Reference Index


ABS function 40
absolute value 40
ACOS function 41
ADD_EXEC_ON_SELECT procedure 42
ADDVAR procedure 43
ALOG function 44
ALOG10 function 45
ampersand, separating multiple statements 287
See also images
controlling the pace 119, 143
cycling through images 119
data in pixmaps 117, 144
double-buffering on 24-bit displays 70
image 196
improving using pixmaps 75
of images using bitmaps 50
sequences of images 116, 143
alignment of the text 227
angle of 243
axis tick marks 255
axis title 259, 284
centering of text 227
character size 233, 249, 269, 279
color of 234
contour plots 229
display without data 242
formatting commands 39
map 101
margin for 280
plots 221
size of title 233, 269
3D orientation of text 252
tick marks 283
title of plot 254, 275
width of text string 255
X axis 251
application programming. See programming
arc-cosine 41
arcsine 49
area of polygon 193
arbitrary type, creating 80
average of 54
building tables from 80
calculating determinant of 262
complement of 173
conversion of indices 31
correlation coefficient of 149
associative 47
dynamically 80
from unique elements 44
integer type 32, 38
list arrays 59
longword type 73
strings 336, 371
with arbitrary initialization 270
days of the month 114
days of the week 165
diagonal, making or extracting 264
double-precision complex type 172
double-precision floating type 169
double-precision type 168
elements, number of 120
finding the maximum value 102
floating type 338, 340
integer type 32, 38
intersection of 173
linear log scaling 171
log-linear scaling 171
log-log scaling 171
longword type 73
mean of 369
median value of 104
minimum value of 111
non-zero elements, locating 171
padding 156
from display 35
reformatting 261
replicating values of 270
resizing of 142, 259
reversing direction of 274
rotating 285
scaling to byte values 89
shifting elements of 326
size and type of 338
smoothing of 343
sorting contents of 358
standard deviation of 369
string 336, 371
of points inside polygon region 201, 206
sum elements of 15
summing 405
table grouping 370
table sorting 153
tensor product 11
transposition of 20
tuples, finding unique 43
union of 173
ASARR function 47
fixed format I/O 224
free format data, writing to a file 232
reading files 186, 200
ASIN function 49
ASKEYS function 50
ASSOC function 51
ATAN function 53
average, boxcar 343
AVG function 54
See also tick marks
adding to plot 56
annotation of 255, 259
color of 234
date/time 284
endpoints of 284
global control of 279-284
linear 284
logarithmic 260, 284
saving scaling parameters 248
without data 242
AXIS procedure 56


backing store, for windows 2
back-substitution for linear equations 413
bandpass filters 265
BAR procedure 59
BAR2D procedure 64
BAR3D procedure 65
base 10 logarithm 46
basis function, example of 152
BESELI function 67
BESELJ function 69
BESELY function 70
BILINEAR function 72
bilinear interpolation 72
BINDGEN function 75
bit shifting operation 44
See also pixmap
animation of series 50
creating with WINDOW procedure 49
directed to graphics window 175
examples of 50
used for cursor pattern 40
with WIN32 driver 49
BREAKPOINT procedure 76
entered from command line 76
buffer, flushing output 300, 341
BUILD_TABLE function 80
BYTARR function 83
arrays, creating 83
converting data to 84
extracting data from 84
scaling 89
BYTE function 84
BYTEORDER procedure 87
BYTSCL function 89


C_EDIT procedure 96
CALL_UNIX function 92
procedures 313
registering 311
CD procedure 94
CeditTool procedure 128
center 3D data in display 99
CENTER_VIEW procedure 99
CGM output 4-8
converting parameters to 376
special 287
CHEBYSHEV function 102
CHECK_MATH function 105
CHECKFILE procedure 103
child processes, spawning 359, 362
CINDGEN function 107
city names 53
clear output buffer 300, 341
clear screen 303
in X Window Systems 58
copy graphics to 112
pasting graphics from 181
defining a rectangle for 234
graphics output 234
of graphics window 245, 269
strings 393
suppressing 272
CLOSE procedure 108
files 108
code area, PV-WAVE 294
See also colormaps; color systems; color tables
as 6-digit hexadecimal value 80
plotting background color 228
PostScript output 29
setting with system variable 268
bar, purpose of 121
characteristics, determining 73
decomposed into red, green, and blue 70
editing interactively 126, 127, 133
8-bit display 70
histogram equalizing 406
images 143, 146
index, set for graphics elements 234
model, PV-WAVE 47
number available on graphics device 265
PostScript devices 29
pseudo 29
raster graphics 81
reserving for other applications 74
rotate with color bar 123, 135
running out of 72
specifying by name 80
surface bottom 229
in X Windows 74
table 61, 69, 75
true-color 29
24-bit display 70
unexpected 84
vector graphics 81
WMF driver corrections 54
X Windows 68
color tables
convert HSV to RGB 418
convert RGB to HLS or HSV 109
copying 303
creating 128
editing 126, 127, 133
expanding 374
histogram equalizing 406, 408
HLS based system 415, 238
indices 129
custom color table 63
from variables 33
predefined tables 61
lookup table 70
modifying 113
palette window 115, 158, 128
replacing 113
reversing 134
rotating 134
stretching 374, 134, 135
supplied with PV-WAVE 61, 113
Tektronix 4115 color table 9
tools, interactive 96, 111, 157
24-bit devices 70
wheel, shown in figure 131
COLOR_CONVERT procedure 109
COLOR_EDIT procedure 111
COLOR_PALETTE procedure 114
compared to color table 69
chooses one 71
obtains 74
private, advantages/disadvantages 72
shared, advantages/disadvantages 71
column-oriented data
reading 192, 207, 227, 235
.RNEW 293
comment, adding a 288
COMPILE procedure 116
memory requirements 294
one or more statements 315
saving compiled procedure 116
suppressing messages 278
complement 173
arrays, creating 120, 123
conjugate 127
data type 120
COMPLEX function 120
COMPLEXARR function 123
Computer Graphics Metafile. See CGM
concurrent processes 311
CONE function 124
CONGRID function 125
CONJ function 127
.CON 290
contour plots
algorithms for drawing 133
algorithms used to draw 237
cell drawing method 237
combining with
surfaces 249
surfaces and images 330
creating 128, 131
cubic spline, interpolation of 250
default number of levels 241
filled 131
with color 135
with pattern 244
gridding irregular data 359
labeling 231
color of 230
number of 239, 241
line thickness of 232
line-following drawing method 237
linestyle of 231
maximum value to contour 241
scattered data 131
shading 135
sparse data 131
CONTOUR procedure 128
CONTOUR2 procedure 131
CONTOURFILL procedure 135
contraction 15
contrast, control 406
CONV_FROM_RECT function 141
CONV_TO_RECT function 145
CONVERT_COORD procedure 139
between graphics coordinate systems 6, 141, 145, 198, 213
color lists 195
data to
See also extracting data
byte type 84, 89
complex type 120
date/time 46, 294, 398, 57
double complex type 170
double-precision type 278
floating-point type 338
integer type 336
longword integer type 73
string type 376
Julian day number to PV-WAVE date/time 46
CONVOL function 142
convolution 142
coordinate systems
converting from one to another 6, 141, 145, 198, 213
data 236
device 236
normalized 242
polar 245
reading the cursor position 157
graphics, from window to clipboard 112
pixels 40, 49
CORRELATE function 149
correlation and regression analysis, Hilbert transform 404
correlation coefficient, computing for arrays 149
COS function 150
COSH function 151
cosine 150
COSINES function 152
count-intensity distributions 408
cpr files. See runtime mode
CREATE_HOLIDAYS procedure 153
CREATE_WEEKENDS procedure 154
cross product, calculating 156
CROSSP function 156
CSV files, generating 233
cube, establishes frame of reference 140, 156
cubic splines
interpolation 366
to smooth contours 250
for Windows 40
for X Windows system 62
hot spot of 62
manipulating with images 31
position, reading 157
selecting default 40, 62
specifying bitmap for 62
specifying pattern of 40
system variable, !C 263
CURSOR procedure 157
curve fitting
Gaussian 349
least squares 416
multiple linear regression 262
non-linear least squares 160
polynomial 208, 210
singular value decomposition method 416
to a surface 409
CURVEFIT function 160
cut-away volumes, defining 68
CYLINDER function 163


damage repair of windows 2
3D scaling 293
building tables from 80
column-oriented 192, 207, 227, 235
connecting symbols with lines 247
defining a plotting symbol 247
dense points in gridding 321, 363
fitting, cubic spline 366
grouping tables 370
importing tool 208
linear regression fit to 262
magnetic tape storage 276
maximum value to contour 241
points, connecting with lines 247
range 281
reduction before plotting 243
scaling to byte values 89
skipping over 340
smoothing of 343
sorting tables 153
sparse points in gridding 363
symbols 247
data area, PV-WAVE 294
data types
of variable, determining 338
date/time data
array of, generating 287
converting to
double-precision variables 293
numerical data 297
string data 295
current system date and time 14
day of the year for each date 167
decrementing values 291
determining elapsed time 286
duration 286
incrementing values 281
printing values 290
removing holidays and weekends 282
DAY_NAME function 165
DAY_OF_WEEK function 166
DAY_OF_YEAR function 167
DBLARR function 168
DC_allow_chars 188, 202
DC_binary_check 188, 202
DC_ERROR_MSG function 174
DC_OPTIONS function 175
DC_READ_24_BIT function 179
DC_READ_8_BIT function 177
DC_READ_CONTAINER function 182
DC_READ_DIB function 184
DC_READ_FIXED function 186
DC_READ_FREE function 200
DC_READ_TIFF function 212
DC_SCAN_CONTAINER function 217
DC_WRITE_24_BIT function 220
DC_WRITE_8_BIT function 219
DC_WRITE_DIB function 222
DC_WRITE_FIXED function 224
DC_WRITE_FREE function 232
DC_WRITE_TIFF function 238
DCINDGEN function 169
logical names 309
defining 309
deleting 252
DCOMPLEX function 170
DCOMPLEXARR function 172
file units 341, 345
decomposed color 70
DECW$DISPLAY logical, for X Windows 59
DECwindows Motif 59
DEFINE_KEY procedure 241
DEFROI function 248
DEFSYSV procedure 251
convert to radians 267
DEL_FILE procedure 253
delaying program execution 112
DELETE_SYMBOL procedure 252
compiled functions from memory 254
compiled procedures from memory 256
DCL symbols 252
files 253
graphics 303
structure definitions 257
variables 258
VMS logical names 255
VMS symbols 252
DELFUNC procedure 254
DELLOG procedure 255
DELPROC procedure 256
DELSTRUCT procedure 257
DELVAR procedure 258
density function, calculating histogram 408
DERIV function 260
DETERM function 262
determinant, calculating 260, 262
device drivers
controlling output of 263
discussion of 1
list of 1
selecting 302
system variable 264
DEVICE procedure 263
DIAG function 264
DIB data
reading 184
reading into a graphics window 185
writing from window to file 194
writing to a file 222
differentiation, numerical 260
Digital terminals, generating output for 33
DIGITAL_FILTER function 265
DILATE function 268
DINDGEN function 271
directory path
searching for procedures and functions 275
directory stack
popping directories off of 229
printing out 231
pushing 239
directory, change working 94
copy area from 61
dimensions of 266
reading from 35
tool 206
DIST function 272
DOC_LIBRARY procedure 275
documentation of user routines 275
See also Users' Library
dollar sign 288
double complex
arrays, creating 170, 172
data type 170
DOUBLE function 278
double-buffering 70
arrays, creating 168, 271
data, converting to 278
variables, converting date/time variables to 293
drawing application, exchanging data with PV-WAVE 186
DROP_EXEC_ON_SELECT procedure 280
DT_ADD function 281
DT_COMPRESS function 282
DT_DURATION function 286
DT_PRINT procedure 290
DT_SUBTRACT function 291
DT_TO_SEC function 293
DT_TO_STR procedure 295
DT_TO_VAR procedure 297
DTGEN function 287


eavesdrop mode, HPGL plotter output 11
edge enhancement
Roberts method 282
Sobel method 346
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, determining 18
8-bit image data
writing data to a file 219
8-bit color 70
EMF files
creating 195
empty output buffer 300, 341
EMPTY procedure 300
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
appearance of EPSI plots 23
EPSI (Interchange Format) 23
keyword 22
end of file
testing for 302
writing to tape 115
ENVIRONMENT function 301
environment variables
adding 299
changing 299
$DISPLAY for X Windows 59
returning 351
EOF function 302
See also WEOF function
ERASE procedure 303
erasing. See deleting
ERODE function 305
error bars, plotting 309
error handling
accumulated math error status 105
for import/export (DC) functions 174
function, evaluating 308
input/output 136
obtaining text of 267
prefix 268
plot truncated message 246
recovery from errors 135
report level for DC functions 175
ERRORF function 308
ERRPLOT procedure 309
EXEC_ON_SELECT procedure 311
EXECUTE function 315
operating system commands 359, 362
statements one at a time 315
executive 293
executive commands
.CON 290
.GO 290
.RNEW 292
description 292
examples 293
-l argument 292
-t argument 292
.SIZE 294
.SKIP 293
.STEP 294
table of 289
See also runtime mode
EXIT procedure 317
See also aborting
EXP function 318
exponential function, natural 318
Extended Metafile System (VMS) 8
extracting image plane 52


fast Fourier transform
function for 327
FAST_GRID2 function 320
FAST_GRID3 function 322
FAST_GRID4 function 325
FFT function 327
FILEPATH function 330
allocating units 354
closing 108
deallocating LUNs 342
deleting 253
exporting VDA Tool 202
on magnetic tape 276
opening 137, 143
pointer, positioning 188
printing 231
skipping over 340
testing for end of file 302
unformatted data 188
digital 265
mean smoothing 343
median smoothing 104
FINDFILE function 332
FINDGEN function 333
FINITE function 334
finite values, checking for 334
FIPS code 89, 53
fitting with Gaussian curve 349
FIX function 336
FLOAT function 338
arrays, creating 338, 340
type, converting to 338, 340
FLTARR function 340
FLUSH procedure 341
output buffer 300, 341
character size 233, 249
PostScript 27
selection commands 237
software, shown 285
specifying hardware/software 237, 269
force fields
plotting 182, 63, 65
FREE_LUN procedure 342
FSTAT function 343
FUNCT procedure 346
function keys
defining 241
getting information about 33
See also compiling; procedures; program
checking for keywords 47
deleting from memory 254
I/O errors in 136


GAMMA function 348
GAUSSFIT function 349
curve fitting 349
function, evaluating 350
integral 350
GAUSSINT function 350
GET_KBRD function 353
GET_LUN procedure 354
GET_SYMBOL function 358
GETENV function 351
GETNCERR function 355
GETNCOPTS function 357
.GO 290
Gouraud shading 218, 306-307
functions, interaction with write mask 51
graphics window
commands 46
graphs. See plotting
GRID function 359
GRID_2D function 360
GRID_3D function 362
GRID_4D function 364
GRID_SPHERE function 367
2D 320, 360
3D 322, 362
4D 325, 364
dense data points 320, 322, 325
sparse data points 360, 362, 364
spheres 367
summary of routines 13
GROUP_BY function 370


HAK procedure 375
HANNING function 376
hardcopy. See device drivers; printing
hardware fonts. See fonts
hardware pixels 83
hardware polygon fill 11
HDF interface
base functions, defined 2
convenience functions, defined 2
documentation, NCSA 2
example programs, location of 2
help on functions 5
initializing 3
list of base functions 6
overview 1
starting 3
testing 401
using 3
HDF_TEST procedure 401
HDFGET24 function 378
HDFGETANN function 380
HDFGETFILEANN function 381
HDFGETNT function 383
HDFGETR8 function 385
HDFGETRANGE function 387
HDFGETSDS function 388
HDFLCT procedure 390
HDFPUT24 function 391
HDFPUTFILEANN function 393
HDFPUTR8 function 394
HDFPUTSDS function 396
HDFSCAN procedure 398
HDFSETNT function 399
HELP procedure 402, 33
help, online
documentation of user-written routines 275
getting 33
HDF functions 5
obtaining with INFO procedure 33
Hershey fonts 237
Graphics Language plotters 8
ink jet printers 14
laser jet printers 14
Printer Control Language printers 14
hexadecimal value, specifies color 80
hiding windows 193
Hierarchical Data Format. See HDF interface
highpass filters 265
HILBERT function 404
HIST_EQUAL function 406
HIST_EQUAL_CT procedure 408
calculating density function 408, 410
equalization 406
of volumetric surface data 141
plotting 180
HISTOGRAM function 410
histogram plotting mode 247
HLS procedure 415
holidays, removing from date/time variables 282
hot spot, of cursor 40
HP VEE container file 182
HPGL output 8-12
HSV procedure 417
HSV_TO_RGB procedure 418
HTML Routines 14
HTML_BLOCK Procedure 420
HTML_CLOSE Procedure 421
HTML_HEADING Procedure 422
HTML_IMAGE Function 424
HTML_LINK Function 426
HTML_LIST Procedure 427
HTML_OPEN Procedure 430
HTML_PARAGRAPH Procedure 432
HTML_RULE Procedure 433
HTML_SAFE Function 434
HTML_TABLE Procedure 435
HTML_TEXT Procedure 437
Hypertext Markup Language 14


image processing
calculating histograms 408
convolution 142
creating digital filters 265
dilation operator 268
edge enhancement 282, 346
expanding 125, 261
fast Fourier transform 327
Hanning filter 376
histogram equalization 406
magnifying 142, 290, 36, 223
morphological dilation 268
morphological erosion 305
polynomial warping 190, 191, 226
profiles 233
resizing images 259
Roberts edge enhancement 282
rotating 285, 287, 290
selecting a region of interest 248
shrinking 125
smoothing 104, 343
Sobel edge enhancement 346
special effects 202, 216, 69
warping 226
zooming 223
IMAGE_CHECK function 1
IMAGE_CONT procedure 6
IMAGE_CREATE procedure 7
IMAGE_DISPLAY procedure 14
IMAGE_QUERY_FILE function 17
IMAGE_READ procedure 20
IMAGE_WRITE procedure 24
See also animation; image processing
animation of 50
combining with surface and contour plots 330
DIB data, reading 184
direction of display (!Order) 268
8-bit, reading 177
extracting plane 52, 83
interleaving 181, 215, 221
optimizing transfer of 72
overlaying with contour plots 6
PostScript display of 29
pixel values from 206
skirt added to a surface 165
subscripts of pixels inside polygon region 206
transposing of 20
24-bit, reading 179
value of individual pixels 151
IMAGINARY function 27
IMG_TRUE8 procedure 29
INDEX_CONV function 31
INDGEN function 32
INFO procedure
reference 33
INTARR function 38
array, creating 38
bit shifting 44
converting an expression to 336
finding nearest 121
long. See longword
integral of Gaussian 350
interapplication communication
C programs
calling from PV-WAVE 53
communicating with 46
calling PV-WAVE
from a C program 53
C code to PV-WAVE 53
LINKNLOAD function 53, 56
routines 349-358
24-bit images 181, 215, 221
INTERPOL function 39
bilinear 72
cubic spline 366
linear 39
linear, between colortable values 129
intersection 173
INVERT function 41
inverting pixels 51, 83
irregular data, gridding 359
ISASKEY function 42
ISHFT function 44
viewing interactively 137


JOURNAL procedure 45
description of 45
obtaining unit number of output 267
JUL_TO_DT function 46
Julian day
converting to a date/time variable 46
in !DT_Base 296


defining keys 241
getting input from 353
interrupt 290
line editing, enabling 267
KEYWORD_SET function 47
checking for presence of 47
graphics and plotting, usage 227-261


landscape orientation 24
LaTeX documents
inserting plots 30
using PostScript with 30, 31
latitude, finding on map 53
least square
curve fitting 208, 226
non-linear curve fitting 160
problems, solving 414
Lee filter algorithm 49
LEEFILT function 49
LEGEND procedure 50
legend, adding to a plot 50
light source
modifying 306
shading 218, 306
LINDGEN function 52
color of 234
connecting symbols with 247
drawing 182
style of 231, 270
thickness of 253, 275
interpolation of a vector 39
least squares problems, solving 414
regression, fit to data 262
linear algebra
eigenvalues and eigenvectors 18
LU decomposition 76, 78
reducing matrices 22
solving equations 117, 413
solving matrices 22, 23
LINKNLOAD function 53
LIST function 59
LN03 procedure 60
LOAD_HOLIDAYS procedure 64
LOAD_OPTION procedure 65
LOAD_WEEKENDS procedure 71
LOADCT procedure 61
LOADCT_CUSTOM procedure 63
base 10 45
natural 44
axes 171
plotting 171
scaling 171
logical names
defining 300
VMS, deleting 255
LONARR function 72
LONG function 73
longitude, finding on map 53
integer arrays, creating 52, 72
integer, converting to 73
lookup table, color. See color tables
lowpass filters 265
LUBKSB procedure 76
LUDCMP procedure 78
allocating 354
current output file 265
deallocating 342
journal output 267
waiting for input 297


magnetic tape
reading from 7
writing to 8
magnifying images 290, 223
PV-WAVE directory 266
MAKE_ARRAY function 80
map datasets
subsetting 88
USGS Databank II 84
USGS Digital Line Graph 84
USGS Names 53
MAP procedure 83
map projections
MAP_CONTOUR procedure 92
MAP_PLOTS procedure 94
MAP_POLYFILL procedure 96
MAP_REVERSE procedure 98
MAP_VELOVECT procedure 99
MAP_XYOUTS procedure 101
mapping, updated map dataset 88
annotating 101
colors 90
filled 93
grid 84
marker symbols
displaying in a volume 75
color 81
math errors
accumulated math error status 105
messages, issuing 109
mathematical function
absolute value 40
arc-cosine 41
arcsine 49
arctangent 53
area of polygon 193
base 10 logarithm 45
Bessel I function 67
Bessel J function 69
Bessel Y function 70
bilinear interpolation 72
bit shifting 44
checking for finite values 334
complex conjugate 127
convolution 142
correlation coefficient 149
cosine 150
cross product 156
cubic splines interpolation 366
derivative 260
determinant of matrix 262
error function 308
fast Fourier transform 327
GAMMA function 348
Gaussian integral 350
Hilbert transform 404
cosine 151
sine 337
tangent 6
imaginary numbers 27
improve solution vector 117
list of 11-13
LU decomposition 76, 78
inversion 41
reduction 22
solutions 23
maximum value 102
mean 369
minimum value 111
natural exponent 318
natural logarithm 44
polynomial functions 190
polynomial roots 225
random numbers 252
sine 335
singular value decomposition 414
solving simultaneous equations 413
square root 368
standard deviation 369
tangent 5
inverting 41
to specified file unit 186
to standard output stream 185
from a file 280
interactively 278
reversing 274
MAX function 102
of an array 369
filter 104
value of array 104
MEDIAN function 104
allocation 294
compiled functions 254
compiled procedures 256
structure definitions 257
getting information about 33
menus, creating 180
MESH function 107
mesh surfaces, drawing 406
See also error handling
error 109
error, setting level to report in DC functions 175
for incomplete DC function 174
prefix 268
MESSAGE procedure 109
reading into a graphics window 187
writing from window to file 195
Microsoft Paintbrush, exchanging data with PV-WAVE 186
Microsoft Word, importing CGM files into 118, 5
MIN function 111
MODIFYCT procedure 113
displays 82
MONTH_NAME function 114
dilation operator 268
erosion operator 305
last button pushed 267
storing the button status 268
storing the position of 268
text editing functions 169
MOVIE procedure 115
MPROVE procedure 117
MSWORD_CGM_SETUP procedure 118
multiple plots 271


N_ELEMENTS function 120
N_PARAMS function 123
N_TAGS function 124
National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) 1
See also HDF interface
National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) 88
exponential function 318
logarithm 44
avoid DEVICE command 263
24-bit display 263
Navigator procedure 119
NINT function 121
normal coordinate systems 242
normally distributed random numbers 251


ON_ERROR procedure 126
ON_ERROR_GOTO procedure 135
ON_IOERROR procedure 136
OPENR procedure 137, 143
OPENU procedure 137, 143
OPENURL procedure 146
OPENW procedure 137, 143
OPLOT procedure 148
OPLOTERR procedure 150
OPTION_IS_LOADED function 152
ORDER_BY function 153
output. See device drivers; input/output; printing; writing


volumes 78
PADIT function 156
PALETTE procedure 157
palette, Windows 48
PARAM_PRESENT function 159
checking for
number of 123
presence of 159
PARSEFILENAME procedure 162
paste, graphics from clipboard 181
patterns. See polygon fill
PCL output 14-18
PIE procedure 163
PIE_CHART procedure 167
pixel map output 18
copying 40, 49, 61, 75
exact value of 151
hardware 83
inverting region of 51, 83
number per centimeter 265
reading from the display 253
See also bitmaps
animating 117, 144
creating with WINDOW procedure 75
examples 76
wider than the physical width of the screen 77
with X Windows 4, 75
PLOT procedure 171
PLOT_FIELD procedure 178
PLOT_HISTOGRAM procedure 180
PLOT_IO procedure 171
PLOT_OI procedure 171
PLOT_OO procedure 171
PLOTERR procedure 176
PLOTS procedure 182
plotters, HPGL 8
2D array as 3D plot 13
2D graphs 171
2D tool 211
area, defining 304, 312
bar graphs 59, 64
bar graphs, 3D 65
combination plots 330
connecting symbols with lines 247, 274
contour tool 201
error bars 309
histogram 204
histogram style 247
keywords, list of 227-261
line thickness 253, 275
linear log scaling 171
linestyles 231
margin around plot 246
margin for annotation 280
multiple plots 271
overplotting 148
!P system variable 268
pie charts 163, 167
coordinates 245
filling 201
rendering 215
position of plot in window 312, 246, 272
range of data 281
routines, summary of 20-22
speeding up with !P.Nsum 272
surface tool 214
creating new 51
index of 246, 273
specifying 273
vector fields from 3D arrays 59
pm driver 18
PM procedure 185
PMF procedure 186
!p.multi system variable 271
POINT_LUN procedure 188
coordinates 245
plots 245
POLY function 190
POLY_2D function 191
POLY_AREA function 193
POLY_C_CONV function 195
POLY_COUNT function 197
POLY_DEV function 198
POLY_FIT function 208
POLY_MERGE procedure 212
POLY_NORM function 213
POLY_PLOT procedure 215
POLY_SPHERE procedure 221
POLY_SURF procedure 224
POLY_TRANS function 225
POLYFILL procedure 201
POLYFILLV function 206
POLYFITW function 210
polygon fill
2D or 3D polygon 201
color 234
hardware 11
on maps 96
pattern 237, 244
area of 193
filling. See polygon fill
generating 22, 224
lists, merging 212
manipulating 22
merging lists for rendering 212
meshes 107
plotting 215
querying subscripts of internal pixels 206
rendering 22, 215, 268
list of colors for 195
number contained in list 197
shading 218
curve fitting 208, 210
functions, evaluating 190
warping of images 191, 226
POLYSHADE function 218
POLYWARP procedure 226
POPD procedure 229
portrait orientation 25
PostScript output 20-33
PRINT procedure 231
PRINTD procedure 233
Printer Control Language (PCL) output 14
PRINTF procedure 231
See also fonts
ASCII output 231
CGM output 4
contents of graphics window 183
directories 233
files 231
HPGL output 8
LN03 printer 60
PostScript printer 21
values of date/time variables 290
variables 231
private colormaps 72
See also functions; program
concurrent 311
spawning 359, 362
product-moment correlation coefficient 149
PROFILE function 233
PROFILES procedure 235
profiles, extracting from images 233
See also compiling; functions; procedures; programming
checking for positional parameters 123
deleting from memory 256
directory path for 275
files containing PV-WAVE procedures 292
number of
non-keyword parameters 123
pausing execution 112
stopping execution 371
create special effects with
graphics functions 51
delaying program execution 112
graphics functions 81
menus, creating 180
providing a GUI 60
special effects
graphics functions 82
write mask 82
write mask 81
PROMPT procedure 237
prompt, changing 277
PSEUDO procedure 238
12-bit 82
PUSHD procedure 239
PV-WAVE session
exiting 317
recording 45
restoring 271
saving 292


QUERY_TABLE function 241
QUIT procedure 249
quitting PV-WAVE 317, 249
quotation marks 288


radians, converting to degrees 278
random number
normal distribution 251
uniform distribution 252
RANDOMN function 251
RANDOMU function 252
graphics, colors 81
ray tracing
cone primitives 124
cylinder primitives 163
mesh primitives 107
RENDER function 268
sphere primitives 364
summary of routines 24
volume data 83
RDPIX procedure 253
READ procedure 254
READ_XBM Procedure 257
READF procedure 254
24-bit image file 179
8-bit image data 177
See also input/output
ASCII data
from a file 186, 200, 254
from standard input 254
binary files 254
cursor position 157
DIB data 184
DIB data into a graphics window 185
files 254
fixed-format ASCII data 186
freely-formatted ASCII data 200
from magnetic tapes 7
images from the display 35
keyboard input 353
metafile into a graphics window 187
TIFF files 212
unformatted data 254
waiting for input 297
READU procedure 254
REBIN function 259
recording a PV-WAVE session 45
REFORM function 261
region of interest, selecting 248
Regis output 33-35
REGRESS function 262
regression, fit to data 262
RENAME procedure 264
RENDER function 268
cone objects 124
cylinder objects 163
mesh objects 107
polygons 22, 215
ray-traced objects 268
shaded surfaces 218, 316, 321
sphere objects 364
volumes 33, 324, 79, 83
REPLICATE function 270
resizing arrays or images 259
loading 66
loading strings 69
RESTORE procedure 271
RETALL procedure 272
RETURN procedure 273
REVERSE function 274
REWIND procedure 276
RGB_TO_HSV procedure 277
RM procedure 278
RMF procedure 280
.RNEW 292, 293
Roberts edge enhancement 282
ROBERTS function 282
roots, finding complex polynomial 225
ROT function 285
ROT_INT function 290
ROTATE function 287
arrays or images 287
corresponding to surface 406
current color table 134
images 285, 287, 290
runtime mode
compiling procedures for 116


SAVE procedure 292
compiled procedures 116
PV-WAVE session 45, 292
SCALE3D procedure 293
3D 293
corresponding to surface 406
images 36
unit cube into viewing area 293
screen pixels, assigning color 69
for text string 381
SEC_TO_DT function 294
seconds, converting to date/time variables 294
SELECT_READ_LUN procedure 297
closing connections 61
X Window system 58
session. See PV-WAVE session
SET_PLOT procedure 302
SET_SCREEN procedure 304
SET_SHADING procedure 306
SET_SYMBOL procedure 309
SET_VIEW3D procedure 311
SET_VIEWPORT procedure 312
SET_XY procedure 314
SETDEMO procedure 298
SETENV procedure 299
SETLOG procedure 300
SETNCOPTS procedure 301
SETUP_KEYS procedure 309
SHADE_SURF procedure 316
SHADE_SURF_IRR procedure 321
SHADE_VOLUME procedure 324
constant intensity 308
contour plots 135
Gouraud interpolation 307
setting parameters 306
surfaces 218, 312, 316, 321, 165
volumes 324
SHIFT function 326
SHOW_OPTIONS procedure 332
SHOW3 procedure 330
SIGMA function 333
signal processing
convolution 142
creating filters 265
fast Fourier transform 327
Hanning filter 376
Hilbert filter 404
histogram equalization 406
Lee filter 49
simultaneous equations, solving 413
SIN function 335
SINDGEN function 336
hyperbolic 337
trigonometric 335
singular value decomposition
curve 413
SVD function 414
SINH function 337
.SIZE 294
SIZE function 338
.SKIP 293
SKIPF procedure 340
SLICE_VOL function 341
interactively 68
plane, defining 68
volumes 341, 153
SMOOTH function 343
boxcar 343
contour plots 250
Sobel edge enhancement 346
SOBEL function 346
socket, X11 297
SOCKET_ACCEPT function 349
SOCKET_CLOSE procedure 350
SOCKET_CONNECT function 351
SOCKET_GETPORT function 353
SOCKET_INIT function 354
SOCKET_READ function 355
SOCKET_WRITE procedure 357
sockets. See interapplication communication
SORT function 358
See also subsetting
array contents 358
tables 241
spatial transformation of images 191, 226
SPAWN procedure 359, 362
spawning a process 359, 362
special effects
color 83
graphics functions and write mask 82
using graphics functions and write mask 51
Z-buffer use 86
SPHERE function 364
defining with SPHERE function 364
generating 221
gridding 367
SPLINE function 366
cubic 366
interpolation of contour plots 250
SQRT function 368
square root, calculating 368
standard deviation, calculating 333, 369
executing one at a time 315
STDEV function 369
.STEP 294
STOP procedure 371
STR_TO_DT function 398
STRARR function 371
STRCOMPRESS function 372
STRETCH procedure 374
stretching the current color table 134
STRING function 376
string processing
See also annotation; strings
compressing white space 372
converting to lower case 384
converting to upper case 404
excess white space 373
extracting substrings 390
inserting substrings 393
leading and trailing blanks 400
locating substrings 391
removing blanks 372
string resources 69
arrays, creating 336, 371
concatenating arrays to scalar 379
database search 381
matching 385
splitting into tokens 394
substituting 396
strip chart, creating 158
STRJOIN function 379
STRLEN function 380
STRLOOKUP function 381
STRLOWCASE function 383
STRMATCH function 385
STRMESSAGE function 388
STRMID function 390
STRPOS function 391
STRPUT procedure 393
STRSPLIT function 394
STRSUBST function 396
STRTRIM function 400
STRUCTREF function 402
date/time 226, 231, 297
deleting 257
getting information about 33
list of references to, returning 402
number of tags in 124
tag names
array 4
returning 4
STRUPCASE function 403
* (asterisk) operator 287
pixels inside a polygon region 206
size using asterisk 287
cut-away views 68
map datasets 88
slicing 3D datasets 68, 153
tables 241
substrings. See string processing
SUM function 405
surface plot
color of bottom 229
combining with image and contour 330, 249
creating 406, 163
curve fitting to 409
horizontal lines only 239
interactive tool 163
iso-surface, viewing 137
lower surface only 240
overlaying with contours 248
rendering of shaded 316, 321
angle of X 227
angle of Z 228
saving 3D to 2D transformation matrix 248
shaded 218, 165
skirt, adding 165, 249
storing data in a file 319
transformation matrix 406
upper surface only 254
SURFACE procedure 406
SURFACE_FIT function 409
SURFR procedure 410
SVBKSB procedure 413
SVD procedure 414
SVDFIT function 152, 416
colored, displayed in a volume 75
connecting with lines 246
keyword 273
marker 75
size of 251
system variable 246
user-defined 246
defining 309
deleting 252
returnable 358
system variables
! character in name 288
date 14
time 418, 14
user-defined 251
list of 263
setting to specific value 251
SYSTIME function 418


T3D procedure 1
table tool 216
creating 80
determining unique values in 44
group by 370
sorting 241
sorting rows 153
subsetting with Where clause 241
unique elements of 44
names in a structure 4
numbers of 124
Tag Image File Format. See TIFF
TAG_NAMES function 4
TAN function 5
hyperbolic 6
trigonometric 5
TANH function 6
tape, magnetic
reading from 7
rewinding 276
skipping records or files 340
writing to 8, 115
TAPRD procedure 7
TAPWRT procedure 8
TEK_COLOR procedure 9
4115 device
color table 9
terminal family output 35-38
TENSOR functions 11
tensor product 11
axis line 282
characters 269
lines 275
THREED procedure 13
value of an iso-surface 141
tick marks
controlling length of 254, 275
extending away from the plot 254
between marks 259
setting number of 284
linestyle 238, 256
number of minor marks 280
suppressing minor marks 280
reading a file in 212
current 418
elapsed between dates 286
system 418
TODAY function 14
TOTAL function 15
town names 53
TQLI procedure 18
trace 15
saving 248
3D volumes 82
transformation matrices
3D points 225
4-by-4 225, 82, 274
centering the view 99
keyword discussion 252
POLY_TRANS function 225
set up 3D view 311
storing 1
SURFACE procedure 406
translation table
bypassing 61, 75
translucency, in images 216, 79
transparency, in images 202
TRANSPOSE function 20
See also rotating
arrays or images 287, 20
TRED2 procedure 22
TRIDAG procedure 23
trigonometric functions
arc-cosine 41
arcsine 49
arctangent 53
cosine 150
hyperbolic cosine 151
hyperbolic sine 337
hyperbolic tangent 6
sine 335
summary list of 25-26
tangent 5
TRNLOG function 25
tuples, finding unique 43
TV procedure 27
TVCRS procedure 31
TVLCT procedure 33
TVRD function 35
TVSCL procedure 36
TVSIZE procedure 39
24-bit color
differentiating data sets 81
intensity 80
24-bit image data
writing data to a file 220
data conversion to
bytes 84
complex 120
double complex 170
double-precision 278
floating-point 338
integer 336
longword integer 73
scaled byte 89
string 376


uniformly distributed random numbers 252-253
union 173
UNIQN function 43
UNIQUE function 44
UNIX operating system
calling from PV-WAVE 92
commands from within PV-WAVE 359
UNIX_LISTEN function 46
UNIX_REPLY function 47
UNLOAD_OPTION procedure 48
UPVAR procedure 49
USERSYM procedure 51
USGS_NAMES function 53


VAR_MATCH function 55
VAR_TO_DT function 57
See also environment variables; system variables
adding at $MAIN$ 43
associated 51
binding to different program level 49
deleting 258
data type of 338
exporting 218
number of structure tags 124
printing 231
structure tag names 4
viewing 218
VDA Tools
avoid DEVICE command 263
24-bit display 263
VDA Tools Utilities
stored in resource files 66
See also arrays; linear algebra
building tables from 80
cross product 156
deriving unique elements from 44
fields, plotting 182, 59, 63
grouping tables 370
linear interpolation of 39
reversing 274
solution, improving 117
sorting tables 153
string 381, 385, 404
VECTOR_FIELD3 procedure 59
VEL procedure 63
VELOVECT procedure 65
version number of PV-WAVE 278
vertex lists
merging 212
video memory, of workstation 70
video modes, Windows 47
VIEWER procedure 68
viewport, defining 304, 312
Virtual Reality Modeling Language 32
visual classes
for X windows 68
not inherited by PV-WAVE 79
set for root window 79
VMS operating system
calling PV-WAVE 53
CGM output, binary 8
Extended Metafile System 8
logical names, deleting 255
defining 309
deleting 252
return value 358
VOL_MARKER procedure 75
VOL_PAD function 78
VOL_REND function 79
VOL_TRANS function 82
VOLUME function 83
defining 68, 83
displaying markers in 75
manipulating 32
padding 78
shaded 324
with SLICE_VOL function 341
with VIEWER procedure 68
transforming 82
volumetric surface data 137, 153
VRML Routines 32
VRML_AXIS Procedure 85
VRML_CAMERA Procedure 87
VRML_CLOSE Procedure 88
VRML_CONE Procedure 89
VRML_CUBE Procedure 92
VRML_CYLINDER Procedure 94
VRML_LIGHT Procedure 97
VRML_LINE Procedure 98
VRML_OPEN Procedure 100
VRML_POLY Procedure 101
VRML_SPHERE Procedure 103
VRML_SPOTLIGHT Procedure 106
VRML_SURFACE Procedure 107
VRML_TEXT Procedure 109
VT graphics terminals 33


WAIT procedure 112
waiting, in programs 112
warping of images 191, 226
wavevars function
WCOPY function 112
WDELETE procedure 114, 85
WEOF procedure 115
WgAnimateTool procedure 116
WgCbarTool procedure 121
WgCeditTool procedure 126
WgCtTool procedure 133
WgIsoSurfTool procedure 137
WgMovieTool procedure 143
WgSimageTool procedure 149
WgSliceTool procedure 153
WgStripTool procedure 158
WgSurfaceTool procedure 163
WgTextTool procedure 167
WHERE function 171
WHEREIN function 173
white space, compressing 373
WIN32 driver
256 color mode 48
color, use of 46
graphics function codes 66
video modes 47
WIN32_PICK_FONT function 174
WIN32_PICK_PRINTER function 54, 57
background color of 228, 268
commands 46
creating 175, 2
current 190
damage repair 2
deleting by ID number 85
exposing 193
hiding 193
IDs (Windows) 52
IDs (X Windows) 85
margin around plot 280
pasting into 181
positioning plot in 304, 312
printing contents of 183
DIB data into 185
EMF file into 187
selecting 190
specifying plot coordinates 246
with bitmap graphics 175
write DIB data from 194
write EMF data from 195
X window state 68
WINDOW procedure 175
window systems
backing store 2
common features 2
features of supported systems 2
X Windows 58
bitmaps 49-50
commands from within PV-WAVE 362
environment variables 299
graphics window commands 46
palette 48
resizing graphics 44
video modes 47
window IDs 52
WMENU function 180
WMF driver
24-bit color 54
color correction 54
description of 53
keywords 55
printing 53
World Databank II dataset 88
WPASTE function 181
WREAD_DIB function 185
WREAD_META function 187
write mask
creating special effects 82
graphics function interaction 83
interacts with selected graphics function 51
using to create special effects 51
WRITE_XBM procedure 189
WRITEU procedure 188
See also input/output
ASCII data 224, 232, 231
CSV data 229, 233
DIB data 222
DIB data from window to file 194
8-bit image data 219
fixed format ASCII data 224
flushing buffers 341
metafile from window to file 195
TIFF image data to a file 238
to tape (VMS) 8
24-bit image data 220
unformatted data 188
WSET procedure 190
WSHOW procedure 193
WWRITE_DIB function 194
WWRITE_META function 195
WzAnimate procedure 196
WzColorEdit procedure 198
WzContour procedure 201
WzExport procedure 202
WzHistogram procedure 204
WzImage procedure 206
WzImport procedure 208
WzMultiView procedure 210
WzPlot procedure 211
WzPreview procedure 213
WzSurface procedure 214
WzTable procedure 216
WzVariable procedure 218


X server
closing connection 61
X Window System
$DISPLAY environment variable 59
client 58
color translation 74
private 72
shared 71
damage repair 2, 3
DECW$DISPLAY logical 59
DEVICE procedure 61
IDs 85
keywords 61
overview 58
pixmaps 75-76
private colormaps 72
providing a GUI for application 60
servers 58
shared colormaps 71
X11 socket 297
XOR operator 52, 83
XYOUTS procedure 221


Z-buffer output
special effects 202, 86
using 86, 89
ZOOM procedure 223
3D window, use in 100
images 223
reference cube, use of 139, 155
ZROOTS procedure 225
Copyright © 1999, Visual Numerics, Inc. All rights reserved.