Starts the online help system or the online documentation system.
Documentation If present and nonzero, starts the online documentation system (Manuals Online) instead of online help. This system contains the complete text and graphics of the entire PV-WAVE documentation set.
Filename Specifies a string containing the name of a help file to load, if other than the default help file. See the Discussion section for information on the default help file.
Help If present and nonzero, displays the topic How to Use Help in the help viewer.
Index If present and nonzero, displays the Contents topic of the help file (same as the Contents keyword).
Keyword Specifies a string containing the name of a help keyword. The first help topic matching the keyword is displayed.
PartialKey Specifies a string containing a partial keyword. The first help topic containing the partial keyword is displayed.
Quit Exits the online help viewer.
The HELP procedure checks to see if the help viewer is already running. If it is running, the specified topic is displayed in the viewer. If it is not running, the viewer is started and the topic is displayed.
NOTE: On Microsoft Windows systems, the Windows help viewer (WINHELP
) is used.
is the main product installation directory.
is the main PV-WAVE directory.
prompt demonstrate some of the features of the HELP command.
HELP, Filename='vdatools.hlp', /Contents
HELP, /Documentation