Obtains HDF object (e.g., an SDS, Raster 8 image, etc.) annotations, either a label or a description.
tag The HDF tag number associated with the annotation.
ref The HDF reference number of the target object.
Help If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine.
Label A string variable that contains the label for the specified filename/tag/ref object.
Usage If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine. (Same as the Help keyword.)
newdesc = BYTE (' ') tag = DFTAG_RI8 ref = 2 status = HDFGETANN (testfile, tag, ref, $ Description=newdesc) IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
MESSAGE, 'Failed HDFGETANN with'+$ 'Description.'
PRINT, STRING (newdesc)
For more information on using the HDF interface and the calling sequence for the entire suite of HDF base functions, refer to Appendix , The PV-WAVE HDF Interface.
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1, Functional Summary of Routines.