Returns agridded, 2D array containing radii, given random longitude, latitude, and radius values.
grid_x The x dimension of the grid. The longitude values are scaled to fit this dimension (unless the XMin or XMax keywords are set).
grid_y The y dimension of the grid. The latitude values are scaled to fit this dimension (unless the YMin or YMax keywords are set).
Order The order of the weighting function to use for neighborhood averaging. Points are weighted by the function:
w = 1.0 / (dist ^ Order)
is the distance to the point. (Default: 2)Radius The radius of the sphere to grid on. The minimum allowable radius is 0.5. (Default: 1.0)
With a smaller radius, the data points are closer together and more smoothing occurs. A larger radius causes less smoothing.
XMax The longitude of the right edge of the grid. Should be in the range - to + radians (-180 to +180 degrees). The XMax value is assumed to be in radians unless the Degrees keyword is set.
If XMax is omitted, then a longitude of is mapped to the right edge of the grid.
XMin The longitude of the left edge of the grid. Should be in the range - to + radians (-180 to +180 degrees). The value is assumed to be in radians unless the Degrees keyword is set.
If XMin is omitted, then a longitude of - is mapped to the left edge of the grid.
YMax The latitude of the top edge of the grid. Should be in the range -/2 to +/2 radians (-90 to +90 degrees). The YMax value is assumed to be in radians unless the Degrees keyword is set.
If YMax is omitted, then a latitude of / 2 is mapped to the top edge of the grid.
YMin The latitude of the bottom edge of the grid. Should be in the range -/2 to +/2 radians (-90 to +90 degrees). The YMin value is assumed to be in radians unless the Degrees keyword is set.
If YMin is omitted, then a latitude of -/2 is mapped to the bottom edge of the grid.
The longitude values are assumed to be in the range - to +
To grid on a portion of a sphere rather than on an entire sphere, use the XMin, XMax, YMin, and YMax keywords.
PRO grid_demo5
sphere = FLTARR(3, 6) sphere(*, 0) = [ 33.0, -64.0, 0.2] sphere(*, 1) = [280.0, 5.0, 1.8] sphere(*, 2) = [350.0, 41.0, 1.9] sphere(*, 3) = [310.0, 83.0, 0.3] sphere(*, 4) = [ 67.0, -16.0, 1.6] sphere(*, 5) = [133.0, -75.0, 0.2] sphere(0, *) = sphere(0, *) - 180.0
sphere = GRID_SPHERE(sphere, 32, 32, $ /Degrees, Order=4.0, Radius=20.0)
POLY_SPHERE, sphere, 32, 32, vertex_list, polygon_list
WINDOW, 0, Colors=128, XSize=800, YSize=600 LOADCT, 3 CENTER_VIEW, Xr=[-2.0, 2.0], Yr=[-2.0, 2.0], $ Zr=[-2.0, 2.0], Ax=(-40.0), Az=0.0, $ Zoom=1.0, Winx=800, Winy=600
SET_SHADING, Light=[-0.5, 0.5, 1.0] TVSCL, POLYSHADE(vertex_list, polygon_list, /T3d)
demonstration program in:
is the main PV-WAVE directory.
UNIX and OpenVMS Users: For information on the optional software package for advanced gridding, PV-WAVE:GTGRID, contact your Visual Numerics account representative.