Returns agridded, 1D array containing y values, given random x, y coordinates (this function works best with dense data points).
If the No_Avg keyword is present and nonzero, however, the value of the cell in the gridded array is the total of all the points that fall in that cell.
FAST_GRID2 is similar to GRID_2D. FAST_GRID2, however, works best with dense data points (more than 1000 points to be gridded) and is considerably faster, but slightly less accurate, than GRID_2D. (GRID_2D works best with sparse data points and is stable when extrapolating into large void areas.)
TIP: For best results, use a small neighborhood (such as 3) and a large number of iterations (more than 16).
PRO f_gridemo2
points = INTARR(2, 10) points(*, 0) = [1,2] points(*, 1) = [2,3] points(*, 2) = [5,5] points(*, 3) = [8,0] points(*, 4) = [9,6] points(*, 5) = [4,9] points(*, 6) = [7,15] points(*, 7) = [6,-5] points(*, 8) = [0,3] points(*, 9) = [0,-1]
WINDOW, 0, Colors=128 LOADCT, 4 T3D, /Reset
!Y.Range = [MIN(points), MAX(points)]
yval = FAST_GRID2(points, 256, Iter=0) PLOT, yval, Color=60 yval = FAST_GRID2(points, 256, Iter=150, Nghbr=3) OPLOT, yval, Color=80 yval = FAST_GRID2(points, 256, Nghbr=77) OPLOT, yval, Color=100 yval = FAST_GRID2(points, 256) OPLOT, yval, Color=120
!Y.Range = [0.0, 0.0]
UNIX and OpenVMS Users: For information on the optional software package for advanced gridding, PV-WAVE:GTGRID, contact your Visual Numerics account representative.