Sets systemviewing parameters to display data in the center of the current window (a convenient way to set up a 3D view).
Ay The angle, in degrees, at which to rotate the data around the y-axis. (Default: 0.0)
Az The angle, in degrees, at which to rotate the data around the z-axis. (Default: 30.0)
Persp The perspective projection distance. If Persp is 0.0 (the default), then parallel projection is set.
Winx The x size of the plot window in device coordinates. (Default: 640)
Winy The y size of the plot window in device coordinates. (Default: 512)
Xr, Yr, Zr Two-element vectors. Xr(0), Yr(0), and Zr(0) contain the minimum x, y, and z values, respectively, in the data to be plotted. Xr(1), Yr(1), and Zr(1) contain the maximum values for this data. The default is [-1.0, 1.0] for each of Xr, Yr, and Zr.
Zoom The magnification factor. The default is [0.5, 0.5, 0.5].
If Zoom contains one element, then the view is zoomed equally in the x, y, and z dimensions.
NOTE: The data is rotated Az degrees about the z-axis first, Ay degrees about the y-axis second, and Ax degrees about the x-axis last.
CAUTION: This procedure sets the system variables !P.T, !P.T3D, !X.S, !Y.S, and !Z.S, overriding any values you may have previously set. (These system variables are described in Chapter 4, System Variables.)
PRO f_gridemo4
points = RANDOMU(s, 4, 1000)
ival = FAST_GRID4(points, 32, 32, 32) ival = BYTSCL(ival)
block = BYTARR(30, 30, 30) block(*, *, *) = 255 block = VOL_PAD(block, 1)
block(0:16, 0:16, 16:31) = 0
WINDOW, 0, Colors=128 LOADCT, 3 CENTER_VIEW, Xr=[0.0, 31.0], Yr=[0.0, 31.0], $ Zr=[0.0, 31.0], Ax=(-60.0), Az=45.0, $ Zoom=0.6
SET_SHADING, Light=[-1.0, 1.0, 0.2]
SHADE_VOLUME, block, 1, vertex_list, $ polygon_list, Shades=ival, /Low
img1 = POLYSHADE(vertex_list, polygon_list, /T3d)
img2 = POLYSHADE(vertex_list, polygon_list, Shades=ival, /T3d)
TVSCL, (FIX(img1) + FIX(img2))
, grid_demo5
, sphere_demo1
, sphere_demo2
, sphere_demo3
, vol_demo2
, vol_demo3
, and vol_demo4
in these directories:
is the main PV-WAVE directory.