Accesses a variable that is not on the current program level.
Level An integer (n) specifying the program level on which to find the variable name. (Default: program level 0, which is $MAIN$)
If n 0, the program level is counted from the current procedure to the $MAIN$ level (relative).
NOTE: Creating two or more local bindings to the same variable can result in unpredictable behavior and is not recommended or supported.
NOTE: If you bind a local variable to a variable on the same program level, UPVAR cannot distinguish between the two, and you may receive unpredictable results.
INFO, var, Upvar = name
UPVAR, name, local
PRO ConvertPlotTool, tool_name
IF !D.NAME EQ 'X' THEN BEGIN plot_var = TmEnumerateVars(tool_name) UPVAR, plot_var(0), local PLOT, local, Xstyle=4, Ystyle=4, /Nodata, /Noerase