Standard Library procedure that plots a two-dimensional velocity field.
CAUTION: Extra care must be taken if you run the PLOT_FIELD and VEL procedures in the same PV-WAVE session. Each procedure calls a routine named ARROWS, but the ARROWS routines are slightly different. If you get an error in the ARROWS routine when you are using PLOT_FIELD, recompile PLOT_FIELD (by PLOT_FIELD
), and then try again.
u = FLTARR(21, 21) v = FLTARR(21, 21)
FOR j = 0, 20 DO BEGIN
FOR i = 0, 20 DO BEGIN
x = 0.05 * FLOAT(i)
z = 0.05 * FLOAT(j)
u(i, j) = -SIN(!Pi * x) * COS(!Pi * z)
v(i, j) = COS(!Pi * x) * SIN(!Pi * z)
PLOT_FIELD, u, v, Title = 'Velocity Field'
Figure 2-73 Velocity field displayed with default values.
Figure 2-74 Velocity field displayed with default values.
PLOT_FIELD, u, v, N = 400, Title = 'Velocity Field'
Figure 2-75 Velocity field displayed with 400 arrows.
Figure 2-76 Velocity field displayed with 400 arrows.
PLOT_FIELD, u, v, Aspect = .7, Length = .4,$ N = 20, Title = 'Example of PLOT_FIELD'
Figure 2-77 Velocity field modified with various keywords.
Figure 2-78 Velocity field modified with various keywords.