Writes an image variable to a file.


Input Parameters

Returned Value



NOTE: When bilevel or grayscale TIFF images with no colormap data are written to files, a color map is created and the pixel values are mapped into the colormap. You can recover the original values when the TIFF file is read back into PV-WAVE by using either IMAGE_READ with the Unmap keyword or using DC_READ_TIFF.

File type Pseudo-color (8-bit with colormap) Direct color (24-bit) Support subimages (multiple images)
Read Write Read Write Read Write
BMP y y y y n n
GIF y y y y y n
JPEG y y y y n n
MIFF y y y y y n
PCD y n y n y n
PCX y y y y y n
PNG y y y y n n
SUN y y y y y n
TGA y y(c) y y y n
TIFF y y y y y n
XWD y(*) y(*) y(*) y(*) n n
XPM y(c,*) y(*) n/a n/a n n
XBM y y(bw) n/a n/a n n
c Converted to 24-bit direct color on read/write. bw Reduces the image to black and white on write. n Not supported. n/a File format does not support this class. * Not supported for Windows 95 and Windows NT.

NOTE: The input parameter, image, must be created with either the IMAGE_READ or IMAGE_CREATE routine.

TIP: You can use the File_Type keyword to convert image files from one format to another. For example, if you read a JPEG file, you can convert it to a Sun Rasterfile by writing it with the following command:

Supported Image File Types Compression Algorithm
TIFF (bilevel only) Packbits

NOTE: LZW compression GIF and TIFF files is a proprietary format and is not available.


stat = IMAGE_WRITE('flowers.sun', flowers)

; Writes an image file flowers.sun in Sun Rasterfile format, in the ; current directory.

See Also
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