Standard Library procedure that draws a graph of a velocityfield with arrows pointing in the direction of the field. The length of an arrow is proportional to the strength of the field at that point.
The field is recalculated at the endpoint of this vector and a new vector is iteratively drawn, until an arrow with Nsteps number of segments is drawn.
An arrowhead is drawn at the end of this arrow, and the procedure moves on to another random point to initiate the loop again. The graph is plotted with the title "Velocity Field".
CAUTION: Extra care must be taken if you run the PLOT_FIELD and VEL procedures in the same PV-WAVE session. Each procedure calls a routine named ARROWS, but the ARROWS routines are slightly different. If you get an error in the ARROWS routine when you are using VEL, recompile VEL (by typing.RUN VEL
), and then try again.
u = FLTARR(21, 21) v = FLTARR(21, 21)
FOR j = 0, 20 DO BEGIN
FOR i = 0, 20 DO BEGIN
x = 0.05 * FLOAT(i)
z = 0.05 * FLOAT(j)
u(i, j) = -SIN(!Pi*x) * COS(!Pi*z)
v(i, j) = COS(!Pi*x) * SIN(!Pi*z)
VEL, u, v
Figure 2-129 Velocity field displayed with default values.
Figure 2-130 Velocity field displayed with default values.
VEL, u, v, Nvecs=400
Figure 2-131 Velocity field displayed with 400 arrows.
Figure 2-132 Velocity field displayed with 400 arrows.
VEL, u, v, Nvecs=40, Xmax=.7, Length=.4, Nsteps=20
Figure 2-133 Velocity field displayed using various keywords.
Figure 2-134 Velocity field displayed using various keywords.