HTML_LIST Procedure

Generates HTML code for lists of all types.


Input Parameters


NOTE: The HTML compact attribute for lists is not interpreted by some browsers.

NOTE: Glossary lists require that the list_item array have an even number of elements.

NOTE: The Compact keyword cannot be used with the Menu keyword; menu lists don't accept the compact attribute.



HTML_OPEN, Title = 'Math Functions'

; Open an HTML file.

HTML_LIST, ['Statistics'], /NoClose

; Create a bullet item for Statistics functions, and ; leave the list open.

HTML_LIST, ['AVG', $ 'The mean of the variable', 'STDEV', $ 'The standard deviation'], /DL

; Add a DL (glossary) list under the "Statistics" ; bullet to include the AVG and STDEV functions ; and their descriptive phrases as its items.

HTML_LIST, ['Mathematics'], $ /Add, /NoClose

; Add a "Mathematics" item to the bullet-level list.

HTML_LIST, ['FFT', $ 'Fast Fourier Transform', $ 'CONVOL', $ 'Convolution of an array '+$ 'with a kernel', 'CROSSP',$ 'The Cross Product of two '+$ 'vectors'], /DL

; Add a DL (glossary) list under the "Mathematics"; bullet to include the FFT, CONVOL, and ; CROSSP functions as its items.

HTML_LIST, /AllClose

; Close all of the lists.


; Close the HTML file.

See Also
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