Standard Library procedure that converts a date/time variable to regular numerical data.
Month Specifies a byte variable to contain the months.
Day Specifies a byte variable to contain the days of the month.
Hour Specifies a byte variable to contain the hours.
Minute Specifies a byte variable contain the minutes.
Second Specifies a floating-point variable to contain the seconds and fractional seconds.
, use:
DT_TO_VAR, mydtvar, year=myyear
that contains integer values.
that contains the following date/time data:
date1=[{!dt, $ 1992,3,13,10,34,15.000,87474.440,0}, $ {!dt, 1983,4,20,12,30,19.000,84224.521,0}, $ {!dt, 1964,4,24,16,25,14.000,77350.684,0}]
DT_TO_VAR, date1, Year=years, $ Month=months, Day=days
PRINT, "Years = ", years
Years = 1992 1983 1964
PRINT, "Months = ", months
Months = 3 4 6
PRINT, "Days = ", days
Days = 13 20 24
For more information on date/time, see the PV-WAVE User's Guide.