Changes the current workingdirectory.
If this parameter is not specified, no directory change is made and the current directory remains the working directory.
CD, new_dir, Current=old_dir
contains the name of the working directory before the change to new_dir
This procedure changes the working directory for the current PV-WAVE session and any child processes started during the session after the change is made. It does not affect the working directory of the process that started PV-WAVE. Therefore, when you exit PV-WAVE, you will be in the directory you were in when you started.
The PUSHD, POPD, and PRINTD procedures, which maintain a directory stack and call CD to change directories, provide a convenient interface to CD.
, enter the following at the WAVE
CD, '/usr/home/mydata'
CD, ''
, enter the following at the WAVE
CD, ''
, enter the following at the WAVE
CD, 'D:\user\home\mydata'