Sets the value of the ncopts variable and defines the level of error reporting for the NetCDF functions as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User's Guide.
SETNCOPTS is only valid for the netCDF functionality.
Fatal errors will cause PV-WAVE to exit.
SETNCOPTS, 0 ncid = NCOPEN("", NC_NOWRITE) status = NCCLOSE(ncid) status = NCREDEF(ncid) % NCREDEF: error in HDF return status. SETNCOPTS, NC_VERBOSE ncid = NCOPEN("", NC_NOWRITE) status = NCCLOSE(ncid) status = NCREDEF(ncid) ncredef: 0 is not a valid cdfid % NCREDEF: error in HDF return status.
Also refer to the NetCDF User's Guide.
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1, Functional Summary of Routines.