WgCeditTool Procedure

Creates a full-featured set of menus and widgets enclosed in a window; this window allows you to edit the values in PV-WAVE color tables in many different ways.


Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Color/Font Keywords


Figure 2-149 The WgCeditTool window lets you use the mouse to create a new color table based on either the HLS, HSV, or RGB color systems.
Figure 2-150 The WgCeditTool window lets you use the mouse to create a new color table based on either the HLS, HSV, or RGB color systems.

What is a Color Table?

The Colors Common Block

Custom Color Table File

CAUTION: Do not attempt to edit the .wg_colors file doing so could lead to unpredictable results.

Contents of the Window

CeditTool Color Palette Area

CeditTool Control Area

CeditTool Menu Bar

Controls Menu

Edit Menu

ColorTables Menu

Options Menu

TIP: The farther you click from the center of the wheel (with the left mouse button), the more saturated the color (for that particular hue).

NOTE: As you "slide" colors into different color table indices, the colors that "scroll off" the end of the table are added to the opposite end.

Event Handling

Figure 2-151 Utility widgets accessible via WgCeditTool's Options menu. The four utility widgets are (starting from the upper left, proceeding clockwise): 1) intensity graphs, 2) a color bar showing the entire range of the color table, 3) a color bar showing only a selected range of the color table (range modifiable by user), and 4) a color wheel and slider that can be used to interactively modify the current color. For more information about any of these utility widgets, refer to the Options Menu section.

Figure 2-152 Utility widgets accessible via WgCeditTool's Options menu. The four utility widgets are (starting from the upper left, proceeding clockwise): 1) intensity graphs, 2) a color bar showing the entire range of the color table, 3) a color bar showing only a selected range of the color table (range modifiable by user), and 4) a color wheel and slider that can be used to interactively modify the current color. For more information about any of these utility widgets, refer to the Options Menu section.


See Also

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