If set to -1 (the default), PV-WAVE behaves as in versions before 6.21. That is, any date in a two-digit year format is interpreted as being between January 1, 1901 and December 31, 1999. Furthermore, when !Century_Divider is set to -1, a two-digit year of 00 is interpreted as Julian date zero (September 9, 1752). For more information on how dates are handled in PV-WAVE, refer to the chapter Working with Date/Time Data in the PV-WAVE User's Guide.
If set in the range {0..99}, the !Century_Divider value represents the maximum of the hundred year span encompassed by two-digit year dates. In other words, if !Century_Divider is set to 35, then all two-digit year dates encountered in PV-WAVE are interpreted to be in the range {1935..2034}. Therefore, the date 01-31-35 refers to January 31, 1935; 01-31-99 refers to January 31, 1999; and 01-31-34 refers to January 31, 2034.
If !Century_Divider is set to 0 or a value greater than 99, the two-digit year is added to 2000.
This variable can also be modified directly; however, if you do this, you must set the last field (the recalc flag) of the !DT structure to 1. For more information, see the section Recalc Flag in Chapter 8, Working with Date/Time Data, in the PV-WAVE User's Guide.
All fields, except !P.Multi, have a directly corresponding keyword parameter in the main plot procedures: AXIS, PLOT, OPLOT, CONTOUR, and SURFACE.
The background color index. When erasing a window, all pixels are set to this color. The default value is 0.
The overall character size of all annotation. The normal size is 1. The main plot title size is 1.25 times this parameter.
NOTE: If you use !P.Multi to create a multiple plot of more than two rows or columns, PV-WAVE decreases the character size by a factor of two.
The thickness of characters drawn with the vector fonts. Normal thickness is 1.0, double thickness is 2.0, and so on.
Contains a six-element vector. The first four elements specify in device coordinates a rectangle used to clip the graphics window. The rectangle is specified in the form [(x0, y0), (x1 , y1)]. The coordinates specify the lower-left and upper-right corners of the clipping rectangle, respectively. Normally the clipping rectangle is set to the Data Plot Area (the area bounded by the coordinate axes). The last two elements of this system variable are reserved for internal use by PV-WAVE.
The index of the graphics text font. !P.Font = -1 uses the software-drawn fonts (also called Hershey or vector-drawn fonts). !P.Font = 0 uses the hardware-drawn fonts. For information on hardware-drawn fonts available for a particular output device, see Appendix , Output Devices and Window Systems. See Software Fonts in Chapter 10 of the PV-WAVE User's Guide, for a complete description of the vector-drawn fonts.
NOTE: Hardware font drivers that support 3D transformations include X Windows, WIN32 (on Windows NT platforms only), PostScript, and WMF (on Windows NT platforms only).
Index | X Windows Style | Windows Style |
0 | Solid | Solid |
1 | Dotted | Short dashes |
2 | Dashed | Long dashes |
3 | Dash dot | Long-short dashes |
4 | Dash-dot-dot-dot | Long-short-short dashes |
5 | Long dashes | Long dashes |
UNIX and OpenVMS Users: The line join style is "miter," i.e., the outer edges of two lines extend to meet at an angle.
Windows Users: The line join style is "round."
Index | X Windows Style | Windows Style |
0 | Solid | Solid |
1 | Dotted | Short dashes |
2 | Dashed | Long dashes |
3 | Dash dot | Long-short dashes |
4 | Dash-dot-dot-dot | Long-short-short dashes |
5 | Long dashes | Long dashes |
NOTE: If more than two rows or columns of plots are produced, PV-WAVE decreases the character size by a factor of 2.
!P.Multi = [0, 2, 0, 0, 0] PLOT, X0, Y0 ;Make left plot PLOT, X1, Y1 ;Right plot
!P.Multi = [0, 0, 2, 0, 0] PLOT, X0, Y0 ;Make top plot PLOT, X1, Y1 ;Bottom plot
!P.Multi = [0, 2, 2, 0, 0]
To reset !P.Multi back to the normal one plot per page:
!P.Multi = 0
If set, this keyword disables the default clipping for the OPLOT procedure. By default, OPLOT uses the value of !P.Clip for its clipping rectangle. If you set !P.NoClip=1, then this default clipping is disabled for OPLOT. The Clip keyword takes precedence over the setting of !P.NoClip.
The number of adjacent points to sum to obtain a plotted point. If !P.Nsum is larger than 1, every group of !P.Nsum points is averaged to produce one plotted point. If there are m data points, then m / !P.Nsum points are displayed. On logarithmic axes a geometric average is performed.
Specifies the position of the plot within the graphics window. It is called by specifying a four-element vector as follows:
!P.Position = [Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax]
!P.Position = [0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8]
NOTE: The !P.Position variable will only position the plot itself, and the annotation on the axes may be cut off. If the plot and its associated annotation must be positioned, use the Region field of the !P system variable.
Specifies by reference number a symbol used to mark each data point. Each point drawn by PLOT and OPLOT is marked with a symbol if this field is non-zero. The available symbols and their corresponding reference numbers are shown in the following figure.
Figure 4-1 The plot symbols and their corresponding reference numbers.
For symbol number 10, Histogram, data points are plotted in the histogram mode. Horizontal and vertical lines are connect the plotted points, as opposed to the normal method of connecting points with straight lines.
Negative values of !P.Psym cause the symbol designated by |!P.Psym| to be plotted at each point with solid lines connecting the symbols. For example, a !P.Psym value of -5 plots triangles at each data point and connects the points with lines.
!P.Region = [Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax]
!P.Region = [0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8]
The thickness of the lines connecting points. A thickness of 1.0 is normal, 2 is double-wide, and so on.
Changes the default format for x-, y-, and z-axis tick labels using FORTRAN-style format specifiers.
The length of the tick marks, expressed as a fraction of the plot size. The default value is 0.02. A !P.Ticklen of 0.5 produces a grid, while a negative value for !P.Ticklen makes tick marks that extend outside the window, rather than inwards.
The main plot title. The text size of this main title is larger than the other text by a factor of 1.25.
If zero, compression is off; if one, compression is on. (Default: 0
no compression)
Sets the maximum number of levels on a Date/Time axis. For more information, see the Max_Levels keyword in Chapter 3, Graphics and Plotting Keywords.
Can be used to specify an exact Date/Time axis range. You must pass in the desired start and end values from a Date/Time Julian value. The specified range may be adjusted slightly depending on the data. To force an exact axis range (exactly as specified), set the XStyle keyword to two. See the description of XStyle in Chapter 3, Graphics and Plotting Keywords.
Value | Purpose |
0 | Print all messages. |
1 | Suppress compiler and informational messages only. |
2 | Suppress error messages only. |
3 | Suppress compiler, informational, and error messages. |
!X.Minor = -1
PLOT, X, Y, XMinor = -1
The fields for the !X system variable are explained in the following sections.
The size of the characters used to annotate the axis and its title. This field is a scale factor applied to the global scale factor. For example, setting !P.Charsize to 2.0 and !X.Charsize to 0.5 results in a character size of 1.0 for the x-axis.
Index | X Windows Style | Windows Style |
0 | Solid | Solid |
1 | Dotted | Short dashes |
2 | Dashed | Long dashes |
3 | Dash dot | Long-short dashes |
4 | Dash-dot-dot-dot | Long-short-short dashes |
5 | Long dashes | Long dashes |
A two-element array specifying the margin around the sides of the plot window, in units of character size. Default margins are 10 (left margin) and 3 (right margin) for the x-axis, 4 (bottom margin) and 2 (top margin) for the y-axis. For the z-axis the default margins are both 0.
The number of minor tick intervals. If ![XYZ].Minor is 0, the default, the number of minor ticks is automatically determined. You can force a given number of minor tick intervals by setting this field to the desired number. To suppress minor tick marks, set ![XYZ].Minor to -1.
The input axis range, a two-element vector. The first element is the axis minimum, and the second is the maximum. Set this field, or use the corresponding keyword parameter, to specify the data range to plot. Because the endpoints of axes are rounded, the final axis range may not be equal to this input range. The field ![XYZ].Range contains the axis range used for the plot.
!X.Range = 0
!X.Range = [5.5, 8.3] PLOT, X, Y
PLOT, X, Y, XRange = [5.5, 8.3]
Contains the normalized coordinates of the region. This field is similar to !X.Window in that it is set by the graphics procedures and is a two-element floating-point array.
Xn = Si Xd + S0
!X.Style = 1
PLOT, X, Y, XStyle = 1
!X.Tickformat = '(F5.2)'
For more information on format specifiers, see Explicitly Formatted Input and Output in Chapter 8 of the PV-WAVE Programmer's Guide. See also Example 3: Specifying Tick Label Formats in Chapter 4 of the PV-WAVE User's Guide.
The annotation for each tick. A string array of up to 30 elements. Setting elements of this array allows direct specification of the tick label. If this element contains a null string, the default value, PV-WAVE annotates the tick with its numeric value. Setting the element to a one-blank string suppresses the tick annotation.
!X.Tickname = ['SUN', 'MON', 'TUE', 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI', 'SAT']
!X.Ticks = 6
PLOT, Y, XTickname = ['SUN', 'MON', 'TUE', $ 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI', 'SAT'], XTicks = 6
The number of major tick intervals to draw for the axis. If ![XYZ].Ticks is set to 0, the default, PV-WAVE will select from three to six tick intervals. Setting this field to n, where n 0, produces exactly n tick intervals, and n + 1 tick marks.
Specifies the type of axis, 0 for linear, 1 for logarithmic, 2 for Date/Time.