Scales the intensity values of an input image into the range of the imagedisplay, usually from 0 to 235 on Windows and 0 to 255 on X Windows systems, and outputs the data to the image display at the specified location.
TVSCL, image [, position]
x, y (optional) The lower-left x- and y-coordinates of the displayed image.
channel (optional) The memory channel to be written. If not specified, it is assumed to be zero. This parameter is ignored on display systems that have only one memory channel.
position (optional) Number specifying the position of the image. Positions run from the left of the window to the right, and from the top of the window to the bottom (see Discussion for details).
Centimeters If present, specifies that all position values (the x y parameters and the XSize and YSize keywords) are in centimeters from the origin. This is useful when dealing with devices that do not provide a direct relationship between image pixels and the size of the resulting image, such as PostScript printers.
If Centimeters is not present, position values are taken to be in device coordinates.
Channel The memory channel to be written. This keyword is identical to the channel input parameter; only one needs to be used.
Data If present, specifies that all position and size values are in data coordinates. This is useful when drawing an image over an existing plot, since the plot establishes the data scaling.
Device If present, specifies that all position and size values are in device coordinates. This is the default.
Inches If present, specifies that all position and size values are in inches from the origin. This is useful when dealing with devices that do not provide a direct relationship between image pixels and the size of the resulting image, such as PostScript printers.
Normal If present, specifies that all position and size values are in normalized coordinates in the range 0.0 to 1.0. This is useful when you want to draw an image in a device-independent manner.
Order If specified, overrides the current setting of the !Order system variable for the current image only. If nonzero, Order causes the image to be drawn from the top-down, instead of from the bottom-up (the default).
Top Specifies the upper bound when scaling the intensity values.
True (UNIX/OpenVMS Only) If present and nonzero, indicates that a true-color image is to be displaced and specifies the index of the dimension over which color is interleaved:
NOTE: To use True, the image parameter must have three dimensions, one of which is equal to 3.
YSize The height of the resulting image, with the same limitations as XSize.
The starting x-coordinate position is defined as:
The starting y-coordinate position is defined as:
For example, when displaying 128-by-128 images on a 512-by-512 display, the position numbers run from 0 to 15 as follows:
OPENR, unit, FILEPATH('aerial_demo.img', $ Subdir='data'), /Get_Lun
img = BYTARR(512, 512)
READU, unit, img
FREE_LUN, unit
WINDOW, 0, XSize = 1024, YSize = 512
TV, img
TVSCL, img, 1
Figure 2-125 Unscaled image (left); scaled image (right).
Figure 2-126 Unscaled image (left); scaled image (right).
For more information, see Image Display Routines: TV and TVSCL in Chapter 6 of the PV-WAVE User's Guide.