Creates two windows: 1) a scrolling image window and 2) an optional smaller window that shows a reduced view of the entire image.
parent (optional) The widget or shell ID of the parent widget (long). If parent is not specified, WgSimageTool runs on its own (i.e., in its own event loop).
0 Specifies TV is used to display the data (not scaled).
NOTE: When Dsize is greater than Wsize, and scroll bars are placed on the right and at the bottom of the scrolled image window, then 12 pixels are subtracted in each direction (from the displayed image area) to allow room for the scroll bars.
Order The order in which the image is drawn. If present and nonzero, the image is inverted. In other words, the image is drawn from bottom to top instead of from top to bottom.
Position A two-element vector specifying the x- and y-coordinates of the upper-left corner of the SimageTool window (long integer). The elements of the vector are [x, y], where x (horizontal) and y (vertical) are specified in pixels. These coordinates are measured from the upper-left corner of the screen.
Reduced_size A two-element vector specifying the width and height of the image display area of the reduced size window that displays the entire image (long integer). The reduced size image is computed using CONGRID; if Reduced_size is not specified, the default size of the reduced image is 256-by-256. This keyword is ignored if Noreduce is present and nonzero.
Rtitle A string containing the title that appears in the header of the small window that is used to display the entire image. Default value is "Reduced Image".
Title A string containing the title that appears in the header of the window that is used to display the scrolled image. Default value is "Full Size Image".
Wsize A two-element vector specifying the width and height of the image display area of the scrolled image window (long integer). Default display area size is either: 1) 512-by-512, or 2) the size of image_data, whichever is less.
Background Specifies the background color name.
prompt to display the SimageTool widget. The SimageTool widget handles its own event loop by calling WwLoop.
Figure 2-159 By default, WgSimageTool displays two windows. One window displays the image at full-size, and adds scroll bars to the right and bottom for viewing other portions of the image. The other window displays the image at a reduced size (256-by-256 by default) and does not offer the option of scroll bars. Use the Noreduce keyword to suppress the reduced-size window and display only the larger window.
Figure 2-160 By default, WgSimageTool displays two windows. One window displays the image at full-size, and adds scroll bars to the right and bottom for viewing other portions of the image. The other window displays the image at a reduced size (256-by-256 by default) and does not offer the option of scroll bars. Use the Noreduce keyword to suppress the reduced-size window and display only the larger window.
is defined, WgSimageTool is created as a child of parent
; otherwise, WgSimageTool runs on its own (i.e., in its own event loop).When you are finished interacting with the WgSimageTool window, close it by clicking on the
PRO Sample_wgsimagetool, parent, tool_shell x = DIST(7000)
IF N_ELEMENTS(parent) NE 0 THEN BEGIN WgSimageTool, x, parent, tool_shell, /Do_tvscl
ENDIF ELSE BEGIN WgSimageTool, x, /Do_tvscl
For more information about how to write an application program based on WAVE Widgets, refer to Chapter 5, Using WAVE Widgets, in the PV-WAVE GUI Application Developer's Guide. For more information about how to write an application program based on the PV-WAVE Widget Toolbox, refer to Chapter 6, Using the Widget Toolbox, in the PV-WAVE GUI Application Developer's Guide.