Standard Library procedure that displays the current color table colors and their associated color table indices.





Windows Users:
The total number of colors that can appear in the COLOR_PALETTE window is 236, which reflects the current value of !D.N_Colors. The black cells in the upper-right corner of the window represent colors that are not available to PV-WAVE because they have been reserved by Windows.
Figure 2-11 The COLOR_PALETTE window (Motif version). This window displays every other color in the current color table, along with the corresponding numerical value or color table index. The black cells in the upper-right corner of the window represent colors that are not available to PV-WAVE because they have been reserved by some other application, such as the window manager.
Figure 2-12 The COLOR_PALETTE window (Motif version). This window displays every other color in the current color table, along with the corresponding numerical value or color table index. The black cells in the upper-right corner of the window represent colors that are not available to PV-WAVE because they have been reserved by another application, such as the window manager.

Example 1

Example 2

See Also
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