MAP Procedure

Plots a map dataset.


Input Parameters


CAUTION: The Axes keyword labels the points where meridians or parallels cross the border of a plot. Because of inaccuracies of the reverse projection algorithms used to accomplish this, the labeling can sometimes be omitted or be incorrect for wide area plots and certain projection methods. In general, when a smaller area is plotted, the labeling is correct.


Index X Windows Style Windows Style
0 Solid Solid
1 Dotted Short dashes
2 Dashed Long dashes
3 Dash dot Long-short dashes
4 Dash-dot-dot-dot Long-short-short dashes
5 Long dashes Long dashes

Standard Plotting Keywords


Linestyle Line_Fill Spacing Threshold
Pattern NoData Orientation
Fill_Pattern NoErase Thick


Map Projections

PV-WAVE Map Projections

Index Projection Index Projection
1 Equidistant Cylindrical 11 Oblique Azimuthal Equidistant Oblique
2 Lambert Conformal Conic 12 Polar Azimuthal Equidistant Oblique
3 Cylindrical Mercator 13 Polar Azimuthal Equal-Area
4 Sinusoidal 14 Oblique Azimuthal Equal-Area
5 Albers Equal-Area Conic 15 Transverse Mercator
6 Polyconic 16 Mollweide (Ellipsoid)
7 Polar Stereographic 99 Satellite (3D mapping onto a sphere)
8 Oblique Stereographic -1 User-defined projection (automatically set if the User keyword is supplied)
9 Oblique Orthographical 0 No projection
10 Polar Orthographical

Map Stretch

Subsetting Datasets

NOTE: The World Databank II dataset is a subset of a public domain dataset p
rovided by the U.S. Department of Commerce, merged with updated country data from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA).

Fields Tags
GROUP CIL Coastlines, islands, lakes
BDY International boundaries
PBY Primary/First Order (internal) boundaries such as, U.S. States).
RIV Major rivers
AREA As of Version 7.0, this field is obsolete. If AREA is specified, it is ignored.

NOTE: If the field is set to a null string, all tags are plotted.

Fields Tags
STATE One or more FIPS codes for the states to plot (two-letter state abbreviations can also be used AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, etc.).
COUNTY One or more FIPS codes for the counties to plot. (-1 draws all counties; 0 draws no counties).

NOTE: If COUNTY is anything but 0, only the first state specified can be plotted. To plot multiple states/counties, you must make separate calls to MAP.

CAUTION: This USGS data is from the USGS 1:2,000,000 Scale Digital Line Graph CD. Note that some errors exist in the original data. For instance, when filling counties along coastlines, the filling will be inexact because the original polygon data for each county did not include the coastline portion.

Map Colors


Figure 2-53 A map of Idaho plotted from the USGS Digital Line Graph Dataset. County boundaries are also plotted.
Figure 2-54 A map of Idaho plotted from the USGS Digital Line Graph Dataset. County boundaries are also plotted.

File_Path and Read_Path Keywords

See Also
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