Standard library routine that returns the full pathname for a specified resource file.


Input Parameter

Returned Value



UNIX Users: The WAVE_RESPATH environment variable is a colon-separated list of directories, similar to the WAVE_PATH environment variable in PV-WAVE. If not found in a WAVE_RESPATH directory, the directory wavedir/xres/!Lang/vdatools is searched, where wavedir is the main PV-WAVE directory and !Lang represents the value of the !Lang system variable (!Lang default is 'american').

OpenVMS Users: The WAVE_RESPATH logical is a comma-separated list of directories and text libraries, similar to the WAVE_PATH logical in PV-WAVE. If not found in a WAVE_RESPATH directory, the directory wavedir:[XRES.!Lang.VDATOOLS] is searched, where wavedir is the main PV-WAVE directory and !Lang represents the value of the !Lang system variable (!Lang default is 'american').

Windows Users: The WAVE_RESPATH environment variable is a semicolon-separated list of directories, similar to the WAVE_PATH environment variable in PV-WAVE. If not found in a WAVE_RESPATH directory, the directory wavedir\xres\!Lang\vdatools is searched, where wavedir is the main PV-WAVE directory and !Lang represents the value of the !Lang system variable (!Lang default is 'american').


See Also
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