Associatesan array definition with a file, allowing random access input and output.
TIP: The offset parameter is useful for skipping past descriptive header blocks in files.
UNIX Users: ASSOC does not work with UNIX FORTRAN binary files.
.img, with five 512-by-512 byte images and a 1024-byte header:
OPENR 1, 'image_file.img'
aimage = ASSOC(1, BYTARR(512, 512), 1024) image1 = aimage(0)
image5 = aimage(4)
TVSCL, aimage(2)
fft_image = FFT(aimage (1), -1)
arow = ASSOC(1, BYTARR(512), 1024) row100 = arow(99)
PLOT, arow(512)