Extracts specified parts of a full file pathname.
). Filename If set, returns a string containing the file root name with its extension (for example,
). Fileroot If set, returns a string containing the filename without its extension.
Path If set, returns a string containing the full pathname without the filename.
Separator If set, specifies a single-char string to use as a directory separator. The default separator is platform-specific:
For example, on a UNIX system the file
consists of the file root file_mine
and the extension pro
full = '/home/work/data/testimage.tif' PARSEFILENAME, full, Fileroot = root, $ Path = path, Filename = name, $ Extension = extension INFO, path, root, name, extensionPATH STRING = '/home/work/data/' ROOT STRING = 'testimage' NAME STRING = 'testimage.tif' EXTENSION STRING = 'tif'