Standard Library function that creates an array containing values calculated using abilinear interpolation to solve for requested points interior to an input grid specified by the input array.
x A floating-point array containing the x subscripts of array (see Discussion). Must satisfy the following conditions:
0 max(x) n
0 max(y) m
If x is of dimension i and y is of dimension j, the result has dimensions (i, j). In other words, both x and y will be converted to (i, j) dimensions. If you want the result to have dimensions (i, j), then x can be either FLTARR(i) or FLTARR(i, j). This is also true for y.
The array x/y contains the X/Y subscripts of the elements in array that are used for the interpolation:
TIP: Using two-dimensional arrays for x and y with BILINEAR in-creases the speed of the algorithm. If x and y are one-dimensional, they are converted to two-dimensional arrays before they are returned by the function. This permits them to be reused in subsequent calls to BILINEAR, thereby saving time.
array = FLTARR(3,3) array(1, 1) = 1
x = [.1, .2] y = [.1, .4, .7, .9]
PRINT, BILINEAR(array, x, y)
0.0100000 0.0200000
0.0400000 0.0800000
0.0700000 0.140000
0.0900000 0.180000
a = DIST(100) original = SHIFT(SIN(a/5)/EXP(a/50),50,50)
TVSCL, original
b = FINDGEN(100)
x = b^2 / 100.0
y = x
result = BILINEAR(original, x, y)