Standard Library procedure that overplots symmetrical error bars on any plot already output to the display device.
y A real vector containing the y coordinates of the data to plot.
error A vector containing the symmetrical error bar values at every element in y.
psym (optional) Specifies the plotting symbol to use. It corresponds to the system variable !Psym. If not specified, the default is 7 (the symbol "X").
x = [1, 2, 3, 4] y = [2, 1, 3, 2] PLOT, x, y error = [0.5, 0.25, 1, 0] psym = 6 OPLOTERR, x, y, error, psym
Figure 2-59 In this example, OPLOTERR was used to plot error bars over the x and y vectors, using the square symbol at the data values.
Figure 2-60 In this example, OPLOTERR was used to plot error bars over the x and y vectors, using the square symbol at the data values.
x = INDGEN(7) + 1
y = [2, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 12]
bs = BSINTERP(x, y)
bsval = SPVALUE(FINDGEN(100)/5, bs)
PLOT, FINDGEN(100)/5, bsval, XRange = [0, 8], YRange = [0, 13] err = MAKE_ARRAY(7, Value = 1)
OPLOTERR, x, y, err, 6
Figure 2-61 Scattered data interpolant with overplotted data points and symmetric error bars.
Figure 2-62 Scattered data interpolant with overplotted data points and symmetric error bars.