Obtains the HDF number type (i.e., data type) and descriptive number type string for the current HDF Scientific Data Set.
Name Returns HDF SDS numeric data type as a string, e.g., "DFNT_FLOAT32". This keyword is more for human use than programmatic use.
Usage If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine. (Same as the Help keyword.)
Wavecast Returns a string containing the PV-WAVE data type cast that is equivalent to an HDF SDS numeric data type. You can use the string in a PV-WAVE EXECUTE statement to dynamically declare a PV-WAVE variable for use with HDF. Example value: "FLTARR".
Wavetype Returns a string containing the PV-WAVE data type that is equivalent to a HDF SDS numeric data type. This string can be used to programmatically change the data type of a given PV-WAVE variable to the type required for HDF. Example value: "FLOAT".
wavetype = '' status = HDFGETNT (type, Name=typename, $ Wavetype=wavetype) IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $ MESSAGE, /Continue,'HDFGETNT failed.' IF (!Hdf_debug GE 1) THEN $ MESSAGE, /Continue,'Data type is:' + $ typename + "(' + wavetype + ')" arg_size = SIZE (maxvalue) arg_type = arg_size (arg_size(0) + 1) IF (arg_type EQ 0) THEN BEGIN
decl = 'maxvalue = ' + wavetype + '(0)'
status = EXECUTE (decl)
Also refer to the following routine in the HDF Reference Manual:
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1, Functional Summary of Routines.