Standard Library procedure that duplicates the rotation, translation, and scaling of the SURFACE procedure.
Az The angle of rotation about the z-axis in degrees. (Default: 30 degrees)
SURFR performs the following steps:
data = HANNING(50, 50) SURFR
CONTOUR, data, Nlevels=20, /Follow, /T3D, $ Charsize=1.5
SURFR,Ax=45, Az=10
CONTOUR, data, Nlevels=20, /Follow, /T3D, $ Charsize=1.5
TIP: For an informative display, the above example could be done using the SHADE_SURF or SURFACE procedures instead of SURFR, as shown below. (SURFR is not needed in this case because these two procedures themselves set up the 3D view area.)
SURFACE, data, /Save, Color=3 CONTOUR, data, Nlevels=20, /Follow, /T3D, Charsize=1.5
xmin = 0 & xmax = 1 xmin = xmin - 1.5 & xmax = xmax+1.5 !x.s = [-xmin,1.0] / (xmax - xmin) !y.s = !x.s !z.s = !x.s
vert = FLTARR(3, 8) FOR i = 1, 2 DO vert(0, i) = 1 FOR i = 5, 6 DO vert(0, i) = 1 FOR i = 2, 3 DO vert(1, i) = 1 FOR i = 6, 7 DO vert(1, i) = 1 FOR i = 4, 7 DO vert(2, i) = 1
poly = FLTARR(30) poly(0:4) = [4, 0, 3, 2, 1] poly(5:9) = [4, 1, 2, 6, 5] poly(10:14) = [4, 5, 6, 7, 4] poly(15:19) = [4, 4, 7, 3, 0] poly(20:24) = [4, 3, 7, 6, 2] poly(25:29) = [4, 0, 1, 5, 4]
SURFR img = POLYSHADE(vert, poly, /T3D, /Data) TV, img
SURFR, Ax=50, Az=10 img = POLYSHADE(vert, poly, /T3D, /Data) TV, img
TIP: This example can be done more simply with the CENTER_VIEW procedure, which is available in the Advanced Rendering Library. This library is located:
is the main PV-WAVE directory. For more information, view the .pro
file for this procedure.