Increments the values in a date/time variable by a specified amount.
Day Specifies an offset value in days.
Hour Specifies an offset value in hours.
Minute Specifies an offset value in minutes.
Month Specifies an offset value in months.
Second Specifies an offset value in seconds.
Year Specifies an offset value in years.
NOTE: Only one keyword can be specified at a time. You cannot, for example, specify both years and months in a single DT_ADD call. But if you need to add, for example, one day and one hour, you can simply add 25 hours.
The keywords specify how the dates and/or times are incremented (added to). If no keyword is specified, the default increment is one day.
Only positive whole numbers (including zero) can be used with the keywords to specify an increment. Therefore, the smallest unit that can be added to dt_var is one second.
dtarray = STR_TO_DT(['17-03-92', $
'8-04-93'], Date_Fmt=2)
DT_PRINT, dtarray
dtarray1 = DT_ADD(dtarray, /Day)
DT_PRINT, dtarray1
For more information on date/time, see the PV-WAVE User's Guide.