Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
The Ax keyword parameter defaults to +30 degrees if omitted and !P.T3d is 0.
NOTE: This keyword is effective only if !P.T3d is not set. If !P.T3d is set, the three-dimensional to two-dimensional transformation used by SURFACE is contained in the 4-by-4 array !P.T.
The 3D to 2D transformation represented by Ax and Az can be saved in !P.T by including the Save plotting keyword.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
This keyword is effective only if !P.T3d is not set. The order of rotation is Az first, then Ax.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Background.
The background color index to which the screen is set when the ERASE procedure is called.
NOTE: Not all devices support erasing the background to a color index.
PLOT, y, Background = 255, Color = 0
Corresponding System Variable: None.
NOTE: If the X rotation is between 90 and 270 degrees, the top of the surface will be colored with the color set by the Bottom keyword.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
NOTE: If the CONTOUR2 Fill keyword is used, labeling is disabled. Refer to the description of CONTOUR2 in the PV-WAVE Reference for an example of how to create a filled contour plot with labels.
CONTOUR, Z, Levels = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0], $ C_Annotation = ["low", "medium", "high"]
Corresponding System Variable: None.
NOTE: If the CONTOUR2 Fill keyword is used, labeling is disabled. Refer to the description of CONTOUR2 in the PV-WAVE Reference for an example of how to create a filled contour plot with labels.
NOTE: If the CONTOUR2 Fill keyword is used, labeling is disabled. Refer to the description of CONTOUR2 in the PV-WAVE Reference for an example of how to create a filled contour plot with labels.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
CONTOUR, Z, C_Colors = [100, 150, 200]
Corresponding System Variable: None.
NOTE: If the CONTOUR2 Fill keyword is used, labeling is disabled. Refer to the description of CONTOUR2 in the PV-WAVE Reference for an example of how to create a filled contour plot with labels.
CONTOUR, Z, Levels = [0.0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0], $ C_Labels = [1, 1, 0, 1]
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Index | X Windows Style | Windows Style |
0 | Solid | Solid |
1 | Dotted | Short dashes |
2 | Dashed | Long dashes |
3 | Dash dot | Long-short dashes |
4 | Dash-dot-dot-dot | Long-short-short dashes |
5 | Long dashes | Long dashes |
NOTE: The current contouring algorithm draws all the contours in each cell, rather than following contours. Hence, some of the more complicated linestyles will not be suitable for some applications.
, with all negative contours drawn with dotted (UNIX/OpenVMS) or dashed (Windows) lines, and with positive levels in solid lines:
CONTOUR, Z, Levels = V, C_Linestyle = V LT 0.0
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Charsize
Sets the overall character size for the annotation. A Charsize of 1.0 is normal. The size of the annotation on the axes may be set, relative to Charsize, with XCharsize, YCharsize, and ZCharsize. The main title is written with a character size of 1.25 times this parameter.
NOTE: If you use !P.Multi to create a multiple plot of more than two rows or columns, PV-WAVE decreases the character size by a factor of two.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Color
Sets the color index of text, lines, solid polygon fill, data, axes, and annotation. If this keyword is omitted, !P.Color specifies the color index.
NOTE: You cannot specify an array of values for the !P.Color system variable. The array of color values can only be used with the Color keyword.
TEK_COLOR !P.Color=10 PLOT, FINDGEN(10), Color=[2,3,5]
data = HANNING(50)
data([5, 6, 10, 20, 25, 30, 31]) = -1
PLOT, data, PSym=-5, YRange=[0,1]
col = REPLICATE(!P.Color, 50)
missing = WHERE(data eq -1)
col(missing) = -1
PLOT, data, PSym=5, YRange=[0,1], Color=col
col(missing-1) = -1
OPLOT, data, Color=col
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
and then draws a contour plot of pixels (100:499, 100:399) registered over the pixels:
CONTOUR, A(100:499, 100:399), Position = $
[100,100, 499,399], /Device, /Noerase, $
XStyle = 1, YStyle = 1
is equivalent to Device = 1.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
CONTOUR can draw contours using one of two different methods:
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Font
An integer that specifies the graphics text font index.
Font index -1 selects the software fonts, which are drawn using vectors. Font number 0 selects the hardware font of the output device. See Chapter 10, Software Fonts, in the PV-WAVE User's Guide. for a complete description of the software fonts. See Appendix , Output Devices and Window Systems for more information on the hardware fonts available with each supported output device.
NOTE: Hardware font drivers that support 3D transformations include X Windows, WIN32 (on Windows NT platforms only), PostScript, and WMF (on Windows NT platforms only).
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Gridstyle
Lets you change the linestyle of tick intervals.
PLOT, mydata, Ticklen = 0.5, Gridstyle = 2
See also Example 2: Specifying Tick Lengths in Chapter 4 of the PV-WAVE User's Guide.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
CONTOUR, Z, Levels = [1, 100, 1000, 10000]
CONTOUR, Z, Levels = FINDGEN(6) * 10 + 50
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Linestyle
Specifies the linestyle used to draw the lines or connect data points.
UNIX and OpenVMS Users: The line join style is "miter," i.e., the outer edges of two lines extend to meet at an angle.
Windows Users: The line join style is "round."
Index | X Windows Style | Windows Style |
0 | Solid | Solid |
1 | Dotted | Short dashes |
2 | Dashed | Long dashes |
3 | Dash dot | Long-short dashes |
4 | Dash-dot-dot-dot | Long-short-short dashes |
5 | Long dashes | Long dashes |
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
If the Levels parameter, which explicitly specifies the value of the contour levels, is present this keyword has no effect. If neither parameter is present approximately six levels are drawn.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Nsum
Indicates the number of data points to average when plotting.
If Nsum is larger than 1, every group of Nsum points is averaged to produce one plotted point. If there are m data points, then m / Nsum points are displayed. On logarithmic axes a geometric average is performed.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
{CONTOUR_HEADER, TYPE : 0B, HIGH : 0B, $ LEVEL : 0, NUM : 0L, VALUE : 0.0}
The CONTOURFILL procedure can be used along with this file to fill the contours with specified colors or patterns. You can use CONTOUR with the Path_Filename keyword to get the path information and then use CONTOURFILL to fill the closed contours.
Use of this keyword implies use of the Follow keyword.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Windows Users: The Pattern keyword is not available for the PLOTS or POLYFILL procedure.
Pattern = BYTARR(10, 10)
Pattern(5,5) = 255
POLYFILL, !X.Window([0, 1, 1, 0]), $ !Y.Window([0, 0, 1, 1]), /Normal, Pattern = Pattern
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
, expressed in radians.
PLOT, /Polar, R, Theta
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Position
Allows direct specification of the plot window.
Position is a four-element vector giving, in order, the coordinates [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the data window. Coordinates are expressed in normalized units ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, unless the keyword Device is present, in which case they are in actual device units.
%, Warning: Plot truncated.
When plotting in three dimensions, the Position keyword is a six-element vector with the first four elements describing, as above, the XY position, and with the last two elements giving the minimum and maximum z-coordinates. The Z specification is always in normalized coordinate units.
When making more than one plot per page it is more convenient to set !P.Multi than to manipulate the position of the plot directly with the Position keyword.
CONTOUR, Z, Position = [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Psym
Specifies by reference number a symbol used to mark each data point. The available symbols and their corresponding reference numbers are shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-1 The plot symbols and their corresponding reference numbers.
Negative values of Psym cause the symbol designated by |Psym| to be plotted at each point with solid lines connecting the symbols. For example, a Psym value of -5 plots triangles at each data point and connects the points with lines.
NOTE: You cannot specify an array of values for the !P.Psym system variable. The array of color values can only be used with the Psym keyword.
PLOT, A, Psym = 3
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Use this keyword when combining the output of SURFACE and SHADE_SURF with the output of other routines in the same plot.
CONTOUR, Z, /Noerase, /T3d
CONTOUR, Z, /Noerase, /T3d, ZValue = 1.0
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
SURFACE, A, Skirt = 100
with a skirt at the Z value 100.If the skirt is drawn, each point on the four edges of the surface is connected to a point on the skirt which has the given z value, and the same x and y values as the edge point. In addition, each point on the skirt is connected to its neighbor.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Use of this keyword implies the use of the Follow keyword. The appearance of contour plots of arrays with low resolution may be improved by using spline interpolation. In rare cases, contour lines that are close together may cross because of interpolation.
Index | Start Level |
7 | Year |
6 | Quarter |
5 | Month |
4 | Week |
3 | Day |
2 | Hour |
1 | Minute |
0 | Second |
-1 | Auto-level |
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Subtitle
Produces a subtitle underneath the x-axis containing the text in this string parameter.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
NOTE: You cannot specify an array of values for the !P.Psym system variable. The array of color values can only be used with the Psym keyword.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.T3d
NOTE: When the T3d keyword is in effect, the CONTOUR2 Fill keyword is disabled.
!P.T must contain a valid transformation matrix before the T3d keyword can be used. The matrix can be set by using the Save plotting keyword with the appropriate plotting routine.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Thick
Controls the thickness of the lines connecting points. A thickness of 1.0 is normal, 2.0 is double-wide, etc.
PLOT, mydata, Tickformat = '(F5.2)'
Note that only the
(integer), F
(floating-point), and E
(scientific notation) format specifiers can be used with Tickformat. Also, you cannot place a quoted string inside a tick format. For example, ("
is an invalid Tickformat specification. ", F5.2, "
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Ticklen
Controls the length of the axis tick marks, expressed as a fraction of the window size. The default value is 0.02. Ticklen of 0.5 produces a grid, while a negative Ticklen makes tick marks that extend outside the plot region, rather than inwards.
PLOT, X, Y, Ticklen = -0.02
Corresponding System Variable: !P.Title
Produces a main title centered above the plot window.
The text size of this main title is larger than the other text by a factor of 1.25.
PLOT, X, Y, Title = 'Final Results'
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: !PDT.Week_Boundary
Sets the day of the week on which week tick marks are drawn for the week level on a Date/Time axis.
Index | Day of Week |
0 | Sunday |
1 (the default) | Monday |
2 | Tuesday |
3 | Wednesday |
4 | Thursday |
5 | Friday |
6 | Saturday |
Corresponding System Variable: None.
For example, to put the width of a text string in the variable w_title, use:
XYOUTS, x, y, 'Title of Graph', Width = w_title
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: ![XYZ].Charsize
The size of the characters used to annotate the axis and its title.
This field is a scale factor applied to the global scale factor set by !P.Charsize or the keyword Charsize.
Corresponding System Variable: ![XYZ].Gridstyle
Lets you change the linestyle of tick intervals on the x-, y-, and z-axes.
NOTE: The ZStyle keyword has no effect in Date/Time plots.
PLOT, mydata, XTickformat = '(F5.2)'
See also Tickformat.
Corresponding System Variable: ![XYZ].Tickname
A string array, of up to 30 elements, containing the annotation of each major tick mark.
Corresponding System Variable: ![XYZ].Ticks
The number of major tick intervals to draw for the axis. If omitted PV-WAVE will select from three to six tick intervals. Setting this field to n, where n 0, produces exactly n tick intervals, and n + 1 tick marks.
Corresponding System Variable: ![XYZ].Tickv
The data values for each tick mark, an array of up to 30 elements.
Corresponding System Variable: ![XYZ].Title
Places a title below the particular axis.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
NOTE: YType has no effect in Date/Time plots.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Corresponding System Variable: None.