NOTE: The entire second parameter is a string and must be enclosed in quotes. Also, note that the vertical bar (|) means "or" in this usage. For instance, use either ASC or DESC, but not both.
sum_column A single column in the input table that determines how to perform the summarization. For each distinct value of sum_column in the original table, all rows that contain this value are grouped together to produce one row in the resulting table. A column with the same name and value as sum_column is created in the resulting table.
alias Specifies a new name for sum_column in the resulting table.
ASC Requires that the rows of the result are sorted in ascending order by the value in sum_column. If no sort order is specified, ASC is the default.
DESC Requires that the rows of the result are sorted in descending order by the value in sum_column.
NOTE: For each of the following keywords, the value is a string in the format'col1 [alias], [col2 [alias],] ... [coln [alias]]', which represents a list of column names from in_table and associated aliases for result.
Count Counts the number of occurrences of each data value within the group for each column listed in the string.
Max Calculates the group maximum for each column listed in the string.
Min Calculates the group minimum for each column listed in the string.
Sum Calculates the group total value for each column listed in the string.
INFO, prop_trx PROP_TRX STRUCT = - TABLE_3745584016934985140252399 Array(10000) INFO, prop_trx, /Structure ** Structure TABLE_3745584016934985140252399, 8 tags, 72 length: TRX_ID LONG 0 PROP_TYPE STRING 'OTHER ' PROP_ADDRESS STRING '' PROP_POST_CD STRING '' PROP_XGRID DOUBLE 0.0075200000 PROP_YGRID DOUBLE 1.6357100 TRX_AMT DOUBLE 116383.00 TRX_DATE STRUCT - !DT Array(1)
trx_sum = GROUP_BY( prop_trx, $ 'prop_type my_prop_type ', $ AVG='trx_amt my_avg_amt, ' + $ 'prop_xgrid my_avg_x, ' + $ 'prop_ygrid my_avg_y ', $ SUM='trx_amt my_total_amt', $ COUNT='prop_type my_type_cnt')
INFO, trx_sum TRX_SUM STRUCT = - TABLE_2654125490145392573020051 Array(9)
INFO, trx_sum, /Structure ** Structure TABLE_2654125490145392573020051, 6 tags, 48 length: MY_PROP_TYPE STRING 'STUDIO ' MY_AVG_AMT DOUBLE 54541.422 MY_AVG_X DOUBLE 2.5688594 MY_AVG_Y DOUBLE 1.5601237 MY_TYPE_CNT LONG 1075 MY_TOTAL_AMT DOUBLE 58632029.
trx_sum2 = QUERY_TABLE( prop_trx, $ 'prop_type my_prop_type, ' + $ 'AVG(trx_amt) my_avg_amt, ' + $ 'AVG(prop_xgrid) my_avg_x, ' + $ 'AVG(prop_ygrid) my_avg_y, ' + $ 'SUM(trx_amt) my_total_amt, ' + $ 'COUNT(prop_type) my_type_cnt ' + $ 'GROUP BY prop_type ')
INFO, trx_sum2 TRX_SUM2 STRUCT = - TABLE_7241171353020130317830120 Array(9) INFO, trx_sum2, /Structure ** Structure TABLE_7241171353020130317830120, 6 tags, 48 length: MY_PROP_TYPE STRING 'STUDIO ' MY_AVG_AMT DOUBLE 54541.422 MY_AVG_X DOUBLE 2.5688594 MY_AVG_Y DOUBLE 1.5601237 MY_TYPE_CNT LONG 1075 MY_TOTAL_AMT DOUBLE 58632029.
For more information on BUILD_TABLE, see Chapter 9, Creating and Querying Tables, in the PV-WAVE User's Guide.
For information on reading data into variables, see Chapter 8, Working with Data Files, in the PV-WAVE Programmer's Guide.