Standard Library procedure that lets you interactivelycreate color tables based on the HLS or HSV color system.
The values for red are stored in the first row, the values for green are stored in the second row, and those for blue in the third row; in other words:
green = colors_out(*, 1)
blue = colors_out(*, 2)
Figure 2-9 The COLOR_EDIT window lets you use the mouse to create a new color table based on either the HLS or HSV color system.
Figure 2-10 The COLOR_EDIT window lets you use the mouse to create a new color table based on either the HLS or HSV color system.
TIP: If you need greater control of HSV colors near zero percent saturation, use the C_EDIT procedure.
slider bar and color wheel by dragging the left mouse button within each until you reach the first color you want in your color table.
Pixel Value
slider bar, click with the left mouse button at the position where you want that particular color to be. The range on this bar begins at 0 and ends with the maximum value for your color table.)
Windows Users: If you have a two-button mouse, useAlt
in combination with the left mouse button to erase the tie point.
slider bar and color wheel and entering the corresponding tie point in the Pixel Value
slider bar.
TVSCL, FINDGEN(256, 256) COLOR_EDIT, rgb_array
SAVE, filename='my_colortable', rgb_array LOADCT, 2 RESTORE, 'my_colortable' rgb_array=REFORM(rgb_array, N_ELEMENTS(rgb_array)/3, 3) TVLCT, rgb_array(*, 0), rgb_array(*, 1), rgb_array(*, 2)
TVLCT, r, g, b, /get SAVE, filename='my_colortable_2', r, g, b LOADCT, 8 RESTORE, 'my_colortable_2' TVLCT, r, g, b
For additional background information about color systems, see the PV-WAVE User's Guide.