Expands and displays part of an image(or graphic plot) from the current window in a second window.
Interp Specifies the interpolation method to be used. If nonzero, uses the bilinear interpolation method. Otherwise, uses the nearest neighbor method (the default).
XSize The width of the new window, in pixels. (Default: 512)
YSize The height of the new window, in pixels. (Default: 512)
Continuous If set to 1, causes the zoom window to track the mouse cursor. This obviates the need to press the left mouse button to mark the center of the zoom.
NOTE: The keyword Continuous is most efficient on fast computers.
ZOOM lets you click with your mouse button on the center point of a region in a previously displayed image to bring up an enlarged view of this region in a new window. Then use your mouse buttons as follows:
Windows Users: If you have a two-button mouse, Alt in combination with the left mouse button works the same as a middle button.
OPENR, 1, !Data_dir + 'mandril.img' mandril = BYTARR(512, 512) READU, 1, mandril
TVSCL, mandril
ZOOM, Fact=2
ZOOM, Interp=0
ZOOM, Interp=1
ZOOM, XSize=200, YSize=200
ZOOM, /Continuous
For details on interpolation methods. see Chapter 6, Displaying Images, in the PV-WAVE User's Guide.