Createsa window for animating a sequence of images.
parent (optional) The widget or shell ID of the parent widget (long). If parent is not specified, WgAnimateTool runs on its own (i.e., in its own event loop).
Delay The minimum elapsed time between displayed images, specified in milliseconds (floating point).
Dims A three-element vector specifying the size of the images to be read from the file, and the number of images to read. The elements of the vector are [m, n, n_frames], where (m,n) is the size of an individual image, and n_frames is the total number of frames in the sequence.
Do_tvscl Indicates whether TVSCL or TV should be used to scale the image values to the current color table.
0 Indicates that TV is used instead (no scaling).
Order The order in which the image is drawn. If present and nonzero, the image is inverted. In other words, the image is drawn from bottom to top instead of from top to bottom.
Pixmap Indicates whether pixmaps should be used for the animation.
0 Specifies the data is stored in a variable.
Position A two-element vector specifying the x- and y-coordinates of the upper-left corner of the AnimateTool window (long integer). The elements of the vector are [x, y], where x (horizontal) and y (vertical) are specified in pixels. These coordinates are measured from the upper-left corner of the screen.
Background Specifies the background color name.
Using the WgAnimateTool window is similar in many ways to using the WgMovieTool window, but WgAnimateTool is intended to be used as a stand-alone utility widget, while WgMovieTool is designed so that it can be included inside larger layout widgets.
When reading the data from a file, the file containing the data must be a binary file containing the images in sequential order.
Figure 2-145 WgAnimateTool creates an interactive window that lets you use the mouse to control the orientation, pace, and direction of an animated series of images.
Figure 2-146 WgAnimateTool creates an interactive window that lets you use the mouse to control the orientation, pace, and direction of an animated series of images.
to have the sequence Continuous
to have AnimateTool move through the images in a non-stop manner, pausing only when you click the Stop
button. Select Auto Stop
to have AnimateTool stop sequencing when it reaches either end of the data.
Auto Tvscl
does not affect the actual data; it only affects the display of the data.
is defined, WgAnimateTool is created as a child of parent
; otherwise, WgAnimateTool runs on its own (i.e., in its own event loop).When you are finished interacting with the WgAnimateTool window, close it by clicking the
PRO Sample_wganimatetool, parent, tool_shell heart = BYTARR(256, 256, 15)
IF !Version.platform EQ 'VMS' THEN $ OPENR, u, GETENV('WAVE_DIR')+$ '[data]heartbeat.dat', /Get_lun $ ENDIF ELSE BEGIN OPENR, u, !Dir+'/data/heartbeat.dat', /Get_lun ENDELSE READU, u, heart
IF N_ELEMENTS(parent) NE 0 THEN BEGIN WgAnimateTool, heart, parent, tool_shell, $ /Do_tvscl, /Pixmap
ENDIF ELSE BEGIN WgAnimateTool, heart, /Do_tvscl, /Pixmap
For more information about how to transfer image data to variables, refer to Input and Output of Image Data in Chapter 8 of the PV-WAVE Programmer's Guide.
For more information about pixmaps, refer to Appendix , Output Devices and Window Systems.
For more information about color table indices, refer to Experimenting with Different Color Tables in Chapter 11 of the PV-WAVE User's Guide.
For more information about how to write an application program based on WAVE Widgets, refer to Chapter 5, Using WAVE Widgets, in the PV-WAVE GUI Application Developer's Guide. For more information about how to write an application program based the PV-WAVE Widget Toolbox, refer to Chapter 6, Using the Widget Toolbox, in the PV-WAVE GUI Application Developer's Guide.