Standard Library procedure that lets you put alegend on a plot or graph.
col (optional) An array containing the color to be used for each row of the legend. If col is omitted (or if there are fewer colors than labels), the system variable !P.Color is used.
lintyp (optional) An array containing the values to be used in drawing each line of the legend. If lintyp is omitted (or if there are fewer line types than labels), the system variable !P.Linestyle is used.
psym (optional) An array containing the value of the plot symbols to be used in the legend. The plot symbols correspond to the values of the system variable !P.Psym. If psym is omitted (or if there are fewer plot symbols than labels), the system variable !P.Psym is used.
data_x (optional) The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the legend in data coordinates. If data_x is omitted, you are prompted for a value.
data_y (optional) The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the legend in data coordinates. If data_y is omitted, you are prompted for a value.
delta_y (optional) The vertical spacing between the lines of the legend, expressed in data coordinates. If delta_y is omitted, you are prompted for a value.
For more information, see Chapter 4, System Variables.