RENAME Procedure

Renames a PV-WAVE variable.


Input Paramters



Example 1

Example 2

; This procedure tests the RENAME procedure first inside the local ; program level (level 1), and then by renaming variables on other; program levels.

; First, create a variable in the local program level, and verify that the ; program level is level 1.

; Rename the variable inside the local scope of TESTRENAME.

; Verify that RENAME created the new variable.

; First, verify that the local scope is program level 2.

; Use UPVAR to pass the variable orig_level1 from program level 1; to the current program level 2. Note the use of the Level keyword, ; which causes UPVAR to look one program level down from the current; level to find the variable.

; Rename the variable that was just passed into program level 2. ; The Level keyword specifies that the renamed variable be placed in; program level 2.

; Verify that the new variable exists in the local scope.

; Simply create a new variable within the current scope (level 2).

; Rename this variable, but put the renamed version on a different ; program level. The Level keyword accomplishes this. It specifies that ; the renamed variable be placed one program level down from the ; current level. The current program level is 2, so the new variable is ; placed in program level 1.

; Finally, use RENAME to rename a variable in the current scope (level 2); and place the renamed variable in program level 0 ($MAIN$). Note that; program level 0 is where RENAME places renamed variables by default,; unless the Level keyword is used.

See Also
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