Displaysinformation on many aspects of the current PV-WAVE session.
Calls Displays the current procedure's call stack containing the name of the program module, source file name, and line number. If Calls is set to a specified variable, the information is stored in a string array of the variable name rather than displayed. The first array element contains the information about the caller of the INFO command, the second element contains information about its caller, and so on.
NOTE: Calls is useful for programs that require traceback information.
Device Lists all available graphics devices, and displays information about the currently selected graphics device. If Device is set to a specified variable, the list of all available graphics devices is stored in a string array of the variable name rather than displayed.
Files Displays information about file units depending on the input parameters supplied in the calling sequence. If input parameters are supplied, the value for Files is taken to be integer file-unit numbers, and information on the specified units is displayed. If no input parameters are supplied, information about all open file units is displayed.
If Names is used, Files only displays information for the specified files.
Functions Displays a list of all currently available user functions. If Functions is set to a specified variable, the function names are stored in a string array of the variable name rather than displayed.
Keys Displays current function key definitions as set using the DEFINE_KEY procedure:
If no input parameters are supplied, information on all function keys is displayed.
If n 0, the level count is relative, counting from the current procedure back to the $MAIN$ level.
Names Specifies patterns to be matched against strings which are to be displayed. This keyword is used in conjunction with other keywords. Patterns specified by Names can contain the following wild card characters.
? (question mark) Matches any character.
If Names is used, only parameters with names matching those specified are displayed.
Routines Displays a list of all compiled procedures and functions with their parameter names. Keywords accepted by each module are enclosed in quotation marks. If Routines is set to a specified variable, the procedure and function names are stored in a string array of the variable name rather than displayed. The parameter names associated with the functions and procedures are not stored in the string array.
If Names is used, only the procedures and functions with names matching those specified are displayed.
Sysstruct Displays information on all system structures (structures that begin with `!'). This keyword is a subset of the Structures keyword.
System_Variables Displays information on all system variables. Input parameters are ignored. If System_Variables is set to a specified variable, the system variable names are stored in a string array rather than displayed.
Variables Displays a list of all variables of the current function or procedure. The procedure or function must be specified either by using the input parameter of the INFO command, or by using Level; otherwise, Variables defaults to the $MAIN$ program level. If Variables is set to a specified variable, the procedure or function variable names are stored in a string array rather than displayed.
If Names is used, only variables with names matching those specified are displayed.
If no input parameters or keywords are specified, INFO shows the current nesting of procedures and functions, all current variables at the current program level, and open files.
For more information and examples, see the PV-WAVE Programmer's Guide.