Extracts a substring from a string expression.
If not of type string, expr is converted to string using the default formatting rules of PV-WAVE. (These rules are described in Free Format Output in Chapter 8 of the PV-WAVE Programmer's Guide.)
The starting position within expr at which the substring starts. The first character position is position 0.
The length of the substring. If there are not enough characters left in the main string to obtain length characters, the substring will be truncated.
a = 'Extract a substring from a string'
Create a string in the variable
POS = STRPOS(a, 'a ')
Locate first occurrence of the string "a ".
PRINT, STRMID(a, pos, 11)
a substring
Extract 11 characters from
, starting at POS.
POS = STRPOS(a, 'a ', pos + 1)
Search for the second occurrence of the string "a " by searching
; from the character position that is one greater than the first
; occurrence of that string. Extract 8 characters from
, starting at the
; new POS.
PRINT, STRMID(a, pos, 8)
a string