Displays colored markers scattered throughout avolume.
Unless the Copy keyword is specified, the original input variable is altered.
PRO vol_demo2
volx = 115 voly = 75 volz = 105
winx = 512 winy = 512
head = BYTARR(volx, voly, volz) OPENR, 1, !Data_Dir + 'man_head.dat' READU, 1, head CLOSE, 1
band = 5 head = VOL_PAD(head, band) head = SMOOTH(head, band)
CENTER_VIEW, Xr=[0, 124], Yr=[0, 84], $ Zr=[0, 114], Az=60.0, Ax=(-60.0), $ Winx=512, Winy=512, Zoom=0.9 WINDOW, 0, XSize=winx, YSize=winx, $ XPos=16, YPos=384, Colors=128 LOADCT, 9
VOL_MARKER, head, 6000, Axis_Color=100, $ Mark_Symbol=2, Mark_Size=2, Mark_Thick=2
WINDOW, 1, XSize=winx, YSize=winx, $ XPos=496, YPos=324, Colors=128
SET_SHADING, Light=[-1.0, 1.0, 0.5], $ /Gouraud, /Reject
SHADE_VOLUME, head, 18, vertex_list, polygon_list, /Low
TVSCL, POLYSHADE(vertex_list, polygon_list,$ XSize=winx, YSize=winy, /Data, /T3d)
WINDOW, 2, XSize=winx, YSize=winy, $ XPos=256, YPos=48, Colors=128
head = VOL_TRANS(head, 128, !P.T)
TVSCL, VOL_REND(head, winx, winy, Depth_Q=0.4)