Checks if the input variable is a properly defined associative array in image format and ensures that all keys in the array are of the correct data type.
Valid If set, checks to make sure that the image associative array's status key does not contain an error code and that the data values are within supported limits.
0 | Indicates that the input array is not a valid image associative array. |
0 | Indicates that the input array is a valid image associative array. |
Use the Valid keyword to check the input image more thoroughly. If an error is detected, an informative message is printed to the screen.
NOTE: You can use IMAGE_CREATE or IMAGE_READ to create an image associative array. Complete image information is stored in this type of array. Refer to the IMAGE_CREATE function description for detailed information on the structure of an image associative array.
pix = BYTARR(400, 200) test_image = IMAGE_CREATE(pix) test_image('width') = 500 PRINT, IMAGE_CHECK(test_image) %IMAGE_CHECK: Wrong datatype of array element width -8