Standard Library procedure that lets you interactivelycreate a new color table based on the RGB color system.
The values for red are stored in the first row, the values for green are stored in the second row, and those for blue in the third row; in other words:
green = colors_out(*, 1)
blue = colors_out(*, 2)
Figure 2-63 The PALETTE window lets you use the mouse to create a newcolor table interactively.
Figure 2-64 The PALETTE window lets you use the mouse to create a newcolor table interactively.
, Undo Current Color
, and Undo All.
To select a button, click it with the left mouse button.
button displays information about the procedure in the main PV-WAVE windowThe
button resets all color indices to their default values.The
Undo Current Color
button resets the currently selected color index to its default value.
For information on using the PALETTE window, select the
button and follow the online instructions provided.
TVSCL, LINDGEN(256, 256) PALETTE, rgb_array
Modify the color table to your liking and exit the procedure.
SAVE, filename = 'my_colortable', rgb_array LOADCT, 2 RESTORE, 'my_colortable' rgb_array = REFORM(rgb_array, $ N_ELEMENTS(rgb_array)/3, 3) TVLCT, rgb_array(*, 0), rgb_array(*, 1), rgb_array(*, 2)
Modify the color table to your liking and exit the procedure.
TVLCT, r, g, b, /Get SAVE, filename = 'my_colortable_2', r, g, b LOADCT, 8 RESTORE, 'my_colortable_2' TVLCT, r, g, b
For more ideas about what can be done with color tables, see Modifying the Color Tables in Chapter 11 of the PV-WAVE User's Guide.