Obtains an HDF Raster 8 image and associated palette.
You can load the HDF palette associated with the image into PV-WAVE directly using the HDFLCT procedure.
Use DFR8READREF or DFR8RESTART to position the active pointer within the HDF file.
testfile = 'raster8.hdf' status = DFR8RESTART() IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
MESSAGE, 'Failed at DFR8restart for'+ ' HDFGETR8.'
status = HDFGETR8 (testfile, image, palette) IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
TV, image HDFLCT, palette
Also refer to the following routines in the HDF Reference Manual:
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1, Functional Summary of Routines.