Obtains an HDF Raster 8 image and associated palette.
palette A byte array (3-by-256) which contains the color palette associated with the HDF image. Use the HDFLCT procedure to load the palette.
Usage If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine. (Same as the Help keyword.)
You can load the HDF palette associated with the image into PV-WAVE directly using the HDFLCT procedure.
Use DFR8READREF or DFR8RESTART to position the active pointer within the HDF file.
testfile = 'raster8.hdf' status = DFR8RESTART() IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
MESSAGE, 'Failed at DFR8restart for'+ ' HDFGETR8.'
status = HDFGETR8 (testfile, image, palette) IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
TV, image HDFLCT, palette
Also refer to the following routines in the HDF Reference Manual:
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1, Functional Summary of Routines.