Defines acylindrical object that can be used by the RENDER function.
) Decal A 2D array of bytes whose elements correspond to indices into the arrays of material properties.
Kamb A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the ambient (flat shaded) coefficients. (Default:
) Kdiff A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the diffuse reflectance coefficients. (Default:
) Ktran A 256-element double-precision floating-point vector containing the specular transmission coefficients. (Default:
) Transform A 4-by-4 double-precision floating-point array containing the local transformation matrix whose default is the identity matrix.
To change the dimensions and orientation of a CYLINDER, use the Transform keyword.
T3D, /Reset, Rotate=[90, 0., 0] c = CYLINDER(Transform=!P.T) TVSCL, RENDER (c)