Puts an HDF Raster 24 image into an HDF file.
image A byte array containing the 24 bit image to write to the file.
Help If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine.
Interlace Set the HDF interlace scheme to use in writing the image. Possible values include:
NOTE: The interlace should match the dimensions of the image provided. Refer to "Writing 24-Bit Raster Images to a File" in the NCSA HDF Calling Interfaces and Utilities manual for details.
testmonkey = 'testmandril24.hdf' status = HDFPUT24 (testmonkey, smallimg) IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $ MESSAGE, 'Failed to write the small'+ $ ' monkey.' status = HDFGET24 (testmonkey, bigimg, $ /Append) IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $ MESSAGE, 'Failed to write the big monkey.'
Also refer to the following routines in the HDF Reference Manual:
For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Chapter 1, Functional Summary of Routines.