This appendix describes the use of JavaScript with the Script node. Section "2.12, Scripting" contains a general overview of scripting in VRML while Section "3.40 Script" describes the Script node.
This appendix describes the use of JavaScript with the Script node. Section "2.12 Scripting" contains a general overview of scripting in VRML while section "3.40 Script" describes the Script node.
Support for JavaScript inside Script nodes is not required, but if a browser does support JavaScript inside Script nodes, it is required to adhere to the specifications in this appendix.
Note: As of this writing (April 1997), some browsers support a subset of the JavaScript language, called VRMLScript. It is likely that these browsers will support the full JavaScript specification in a future release.
JavaScript is generally easier to learn and use than Java, because it is weakly typed and does not require code compilation. Simple scripts written in JavaScript are generally smaller than the equivalent script written in Java (the minimum size of a Java .class file is about 200 bytes), and putting the script's code directly into the VRML file means that the VRML browser has to make fewer HTTP fetch requests. However, Java is more powerful than JavaScript and will execute large scripts much faster.
This appendix was initially created by Chris Marrin, and was later enhanced and evolved by Jan Hardenbergh, Jim Kent, and a variety of contributors on the www-vrml mailing list.
Netscape JavaScript was created by Netscape Communications Corporation ( JavaScript is a programmable API that allows cross-platform scripting of events, objects, and actions. The JavaScript Specification, Version 1.1, can be found at [JAVS]. It is expected that JavaScript, Version 1.2, will be the scripting language of a Script node when JavaScript becomes a standard. Version 1.2 is required for VRML. The difference is that objects in numeric expressions will have valueOf( ) called and if that fails, then toString( ) will be called.
JavaScript is currently undergoing standardization through ECMA.
The url field of the Script node may contain a URL that references JavaScript code:
Script { url "" }
The javascript: protocol allows the script to be placed inline as follows:
Script { url "javascript: function foo( ) { ... }" }
The url field may contain multiple URL's and thus reference a remote file or in-line code:
Script { url [ "", "javascript: function foo( ) { ... }" ] }
The file extension for JavaScript source code is .js
The MIME type for JavaScript source code is defined as follows:
Events sent to the Script node are passed to the corresponding JavaScript function in the script. The script is specified in the url field of the Script node. The function's name is the same as the eventIn and is passed two arguments, the event value and its timestamp (see "C.4.2 Parameter passing and the EventIn function"). If there is no corresponding JavaScript function in the script, the browser's behaviour is undefined.
For example, the following Script node has one eventIn field whose name is start:
Script { eventIn SFBool start url "javascript: function start(value, timestamp) { ... }" }
In the above example, when the start eventIn is sent, the start( ) function is executed.
When a Script node receives an eventIn, a corresponding method in the file specified in the url field of the Script node is called. This method has two arguments. The value of the eventIn is passed as the first argument and the timestamp of the eventIn is passed as the second argument. The type of the value is the same as the type of the eventIn and the type of the timestamp is SFTime. "C.6.1 VRML Field to JavaScript variable conversion" provides a description of how VRML types appear in JavaScript.
Authors may define a function named eventsProcessed( ) which is to be called after some set of events has been received. Some implementations call this function after the return from each EventIn function, while others call it only after processing a number of EventIn functions. In the latter case, an author can improve performance by placing lengthy processing algorithms which do not need to execute for every event received into the eventsProcessed( ) function.
The eventsProcessed( ) function takes no parameters. Events generated from it are given the timestamp of the last event processed.
Authors may define a function named initialize( ) which is invoked before the browser presents the world to the user and before any events are processed by any nodes in the same VRML file as the Script node containing this script (see "2.12.3 Initialize() and shutdown()").
The initialize( ) function has no parameters. Events generated from initialize( ) are given the timestamp of when the Script node was loaded.
Authors may define a function named shutdown( ) which is invoked when the corresponding Script node is deleted or when the world containing the Script node is unloaded or replaced by another world (see "2.12.3 Initialize() and shutdown()").
The shutdown( ) function has no parameters. Events generated from shutdown( ) are given the timestamp of when the Script node was deleted.
The fields and eventOuts of a Script node are accessible from its JavaScript functions. As in all other nodes, the fields are accessible only within the Script. The eventIns are not accessible. The Script node's eventIns can be routed to and its eventOuts can be routed from. Another Script node with a pointer to this node can access its eventIns and eventOuts as for any other node.
Fields defined in the Script node are available to the script by using its name. Its value can be read or written. This value is persistent across function calls. EventOuts defined in the script node can also be read. The value is the last value assigned.
The script can access any exposedField, eventIn or eventOut of any node to which it has a pointer:
DEF SomeNode Transform { } Script { field SFNode node USE SomeNode eventIn SFVec3f pos directOutput TRUE url "javascript: function pos(value) { node.set_translation = value; }" }
This example sends a set_translation eventIn to the Transform node. An eventIn on a passed node can appear only on the left side of the assignment. An eventOut in the passed node can appear only on the right side, which reads the last value sent out. Fields in the passed node cannot be accessed. However, exposedFields can either send an event to the "set_..." eventIn or read the current value of the "..._changed" eventOut. This follows the routing model of the rest of VRML.
Events generated by setting an eventIn on a node are sent at the completion of the currently executing function. The eventIn shall be assigned a value of the same datatype; no partial assignments are allowed. For example, it is not possible to assign the red value of an SFColor eventIn. Since eventIns are strictly write-only, the remainder of the partial assignment would have invalid field values. Assigning to the eventIn field multiple times during one execution of the function still only sends one event and that event is the last value assigned.
Assigning to an eventOut sends that event at the completion of the currently executing function. Assigning to the eventOut multiple times during one execution of the function still only sends one event and that event is the value of the eventOut at the completion of script execution.
Since JavaScript is an untyped language it has no language constructs to describe the types of parameters passed to, or values returned from methods. Therefore this document uses a notational convention to describe these types. Parameters passed are preceded by their type, and the type of any return value precedes the method name. Normally these types correspond to VRML field types, so those names are used. In the case of no return value, the identifier void is used. In the case of a JavaScript numeric value or numeric array return, the identifier numeric or numeric[ ] is used. In the case of a string return, the identifier String is used.
JavaScript native datatypes consist of boolean, numeric and string. The language is not typed, so datatypes are implicit upon assignment. The VRML SFBool is mapped to the JavaScript boolean. In addition to the JavaScript true and false constants, the VRML TRUE and FALSE values may be used. The VRML SFInt32, SFFloat and SFTime fields are mapped to the numeric datatype and will be maintained in double precision accuracy. These types are passed by value in function calls. All other VRML fields are mapped to JavaScript objects. JavaScript objects are passed by reference.
The JavaScript boolean, numeric and string are automatically converted to other datatypes when needed. See [JAVS] for more details.
In JavaScript, assigning a new value to a variable gives the variable the datatype of the new value, in addition to the value. Scalar values (boolean and numeric) are assigned by copying the value. Other objects are assigned by reference.
When assignments are made to eventOuts and fields, the values are converted to the VRML field type. Scalar values (boolean and numeric) are assigned by copying the value. Other objects are assigned by reference. There is an example on assigning to illustrate the differences.
The SF objects will be assigned as references, except for assigning to or from eventOut, fields, and MF objects. The exceptions for eventOut, field and MF objects are at the interface between VRML field values and JavaScript variables. The VRML fields are maintained in the correct datatype and are copied during assignment.
For eventOut objects, assignment copies the value to the eventOut, which will be sent upon completion of the current function. Assigning an eventOut to an internal variable creates a new object of the same type as the eventOut with the current value of the eventOut. Field objects behave identically to eventOut objects, except that no event is sent upon completion of the function.
Assigning an element of an MF object to an SF object creates a new object of the corresponding SF object type with the current value of the specified MF element. Assigning an SF object to an element of an MF object (which shall be of the corresponding type) copies the value of the SF object into the dereferenced element of the MF object.
This section lists the class static methods available in the Browser object which allow scripts to get and set browser information. Descriptions of the methods are provided in "2.12.10 Browser script interface". The syntax for a call is:
mymfnode = Browser.createVrmlFromString('Sphere {}');
Table C-1 describes the Browser object's methods, parameters, and return values.
Return value | Method |
String | getName( ) |
String | getVersion( ) |
numeric | getCurrentSpeed( ) |
numeric | getCurrentFrameRate( ) |
String | getWorldURL( ) |
void | replaceWorld( MFNode nodes ) |
MFNode | createVrmlFromString( String vrmlSyntax ) |
void | createVrmlFromURL( MFString url, Node node, String event ) |
void | addRoute( SFNode fromNode, String
fromEventOut, SFNode toNode, String toEventIn) |
void | deleteRoute( SFNode fromNode, String
fromEventOut, SFNode toNode, String toEventIn ) |
void | loadURL( MFString url, MFString parameter ) |
void | setDescription( String description ) |
The SFColor object corresponds to a VRML SFColor field. All properties are accessed using the syntax sfColorObjectName.<property>, where sfColorObjectName is an instance of an SFColor object. The properties may also be accessed by the indices [0] for red, [1] for green and [2] blue. All methods are invoked using the syntax sfColorObjectName.method(<argument-list>), where sfColorObjectName is an instance of an SFColor object.
sfColorObjectName = new SFColor(float r, float g, float b)
r, g, and b are the red, green, and blue values of the colour. Missing values will be filled by 0.0.
The properties of the SFColor object are described in Table C-2.
Property | Description |
numeric r | red component of the colour |
numeric g | green component of the colour |
numeric b | blue component of the colour |
The methods of the SFColor object are described in Table C-3.
Method |
Description |
void setHSV(float h, float s, float v) | Sets the value of the colour by specifying the values of hue, saturation, and value. |
numeric[3] getHSV( ) | Returns the value of the colour in a 3 element numeric array, with hue at index 0, saturation at index 1, and value at index 2. |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf8 encoded value of r, g and b. |
The SFImage object corresponds to a VRML SFImage field.
sfImageObjectName = new SFImage(numeric x, numeric y, numeric comp, MFInt32 array)
x is the x-dimension of the image. y is the y-dimension of the image. comp is the number of components of the image (1 for greyscale, 2 for greyscale+alpha, 3 for rgb, 4 for rgb+alpha). Array contains the x x y values for the pixels of the image. Format of each pixel is the same as the PixelTexture file format.
The properties of the SFImage object are listed in Table C-4.
Property | Description |
numeric x | x dimension of the image |
numeric y | y dimension of the image |
numeric comp |
MFInt32 array | image data |
The method of the SFImage object is described in Table C-5.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 UTF-8 encoded value of x, y, comp and array. |
The SFNode object corresponds to a VRML SFNode field.
sfNodeObjectName = new SFNode(String vrmlstring)
vrmlstring is an ISO 646 string containing the definition of a VRML node
Each node may assign values to its eventIns and obtain the last output values of its eventOuts using the sfNodeObjectName.eventName syntax.
The method of the SFNode object is described in Table C-6.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns the VRML utf8 string that, if parsed as the value of an SFNode field, would produce this node. If the browser is unable to reproduce this node, the name of the node followed by the open brace and close brace shall be returned. Additional information may be included as one or more VRML comment strings. |
The SFRotation object corresponds to a VRML SFRotation field. It has four numeric properties: x, y, z (the axis of rotation) and angle. These may also be addressed by indices [0] through [3].
sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation(numeric x, numeric y, numeric z, numeric angle)
x, y, and z are the axis of the rotation. angle is the angle of the rotation (in radians). Missing values default to 0.0, except y, which defaults to 1.0.
sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation(SFVec3f axis, numeric angle)
axis is the axis of rotation. angle is the angle of the rotation (in radians)
sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation(SFVec3f fromVector, SFVec3f toVector)
fromVector and toVector are normalized and the rotation value that would rotate from the fromVector to the toVector is stored in the object.
The properties of the SFRotation object are described in Table C-7.
Property | Description |
numeric x | first value of the axis vector |
numeric y | second value of the axis vector |
numeric z | third value of the axis vector |
numeric angle | the angle of the rotation (in radians) |
The methods of the SFRotation object are described in Table C-8.
Method | Description |
SFVec3f getAxis( ) | Returns the axis of rotation. |
SFRotation inverse( ) | Returns the inverse of this object's rotation. |
SFRotation multiply(SFRotation rot) | Returns the object multiplied by the passed value. |
SFVec3f multVec(SFVec3f vec) | Returns the value of vec multiplied by the matrix corresponding to this object's rotation. |
void setAxis(SFVec3f vec) | Sets the axis of rotation to the value passed in vec. |
SFRotation slerp(SFRotation dest, numeric t) | Returns the value of the spherical linear interpolation between this object's rotation and dest at value 0 <= t <= 1. For t = 0, the value is this object's rotation. For t = 1, the value is dest. |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf8 encoded value of x, y, z, and angle. |
The SFVec2f object corresponds to a VRML SFVec2f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x and y properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i. e., sfVec2fObjectName[0] or sfVec2fObjectName[1]).
sfVec2fObjectName = new SFVec2f(numeric x, numeric y)
Missing values default to 0.0.
The properties of the SFVec2f object are described in Table C-9.
Property | Description |
numeric x | First value of the vector. |
numeric y | Second value of the vector. |
The methods of the SFVec2f object are described in Table C-10.
Method | Description |
SFVec2f add(SFVec2f vec) | Returns the value of the passed value added, component-wise, to the object. |
SFVec2f divide(numeric n) | Returns the value of the object divided by the passed value. |
numeric dot(SFVec2f vec) | Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed value. |
numeric length( ) | Returns the geometric length of this vector. |
SFVec2f multiply(numeric n) | Returns the value of the object multiplied by the passed value. |
SFVec2f normalize( ) | Returns the object converted to unit length . |
SFVec2f subtract(SFVec2f vec) | Returns the value of the passed value subtracted, component-wise, from the object. |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf8 encoded value of x and y. |
The SFVec3f object corresponds to a VRML SFVec3f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x, y, and z properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i. e., sfVec3fObjectName[0], sfVec3fObjectName[1] or sfVec3fObjectName[2]).
sfVec3fObjectName = new SFVec3f(numeric x, numeric y, numeric z)
Missing values default to 0.0.
The properties of the SFVec3f object are described in Table C-11.
Property | Description |
numeric x | First value of the vector. |
numeric y | Second value of the vector. |
numeric z | Third value of the vector. |
The methods of the SFVec3f object are described in Table C-12.
Method | Description |
SFVec3f add(SFVec3f vec) | Returns the value of the passed value added, component-wise, to the object. |
SFVec3f cross(SFVec3f vec) | Returns the cross product of the object and the passed value. |
SFVec3f divide(numeric n) | Returns the value of the object divided by the passed value. |
numeric dot(SFVec3f vec) | Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed value. |
numeric length( ) | Returns the geometric length of this vector. |
SFVec3f multiply(numeric n) | Returns the value of the object multiplied by the passed value. |
SFVec3f negate( ) | Returns the value of the component-wise negation of the object. |
SFVec3f normalize( ) | Returns the object converted to unit length . |
SFVec3f subtract(SFVec3f vec) | Returns the value of the passed value subtracted, component-wise, from the object. |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf8 encoded value of x, y, and z. |
The MFColor object corresponds to a VRML MFColor field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFColor objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfColorObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFColor (0, 0, 0).
mfColorObjectName = new MFColor(SFColor c1, SFColor c2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more SFColor-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFColor object is described in Table C-13.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFColor object is described in Table C-14.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFColor array. |
The MFFloat object corresponds to a VRML MFFloat field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFFloat values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfFloatObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0.
mfFloatObjectName = new MFFloat(numeric n1, numeric n2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more numeric-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFFloat object is described in Table C-15.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFFloat object is described in Table C-16.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFFloat array. |
The MFInt32 object corresponds to a VRML MFInt32 field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFInt32 values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfInt32ObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.
mfInt32ObjectName = new MFInt32(numeric n1, numeric n2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more integer-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFInt32 object is described in Table C-17.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFInt32 object is described in Table C-18.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFInt32 array. |
The MFNode object corresponds to a VRML MFNode field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFNode objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfNodeObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to NULL.
mfNodeObjectName = new MFNode(SFNode n1, SFNode n2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more SFNode-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFNode object is described in Table C-19.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFNode object is described in Table C-20.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns the VRML utf8 string that, if parsed as the value of a MFNode field, would produce this array of nodes. If the browser is unable to reproduce this node, the name of the node followed by the open brace and close brace shall be returned. Additional information may be included as one or more VRML comment strings |
The MFRotation object corresponds to a VRML MFRotation field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFRotation objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfRotationObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFRotation (0, 0, 1, 0).
mfRotationObjectName = new MFRotation(SFRotation r1, SFRotation r2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more SFRotation-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFRotation object is described in Table C-21.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFRotation object is described in Table C-22.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFRotation array. |
The MFString object corresponds to a VRML 2.0 MFString field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of String objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfStringObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to the empty string.
mfStringObjectName = new MFString(String s1, String s2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more String-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFString object is described in Table C-23.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFString object is described in Table C-24.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFString array. |
The MFTime object corresponds to a VRML MFTime field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFTime values. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfTimeObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0.
mfTimeObjectName = new MFTime(numeric n1, numeric n2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more numeric-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFTime object is described in Table C-25.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFTime object is described in Table C-26.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFTime array. |
The MFVec2f object corresponds to a VRML MFVec2f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec2f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfVec2fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec2f (0, 0).
mfVec2fObjectName = new MFVec2f(SFVec2f v1, SFVec2f v2, ...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more SFVec2f-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFVec2f object is described in Table C-27.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFVec2f object is described in Table C-28.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFVec2f array. |
The MFVec3f object corresponds to a VRML MFVec3f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec3f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e. g., mfVec3fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0 <= index < length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec3f (0, 0, 0).
mfVec3fObjectName = new MFVec3f(SFVec3f v1, SFVec3f v2,...)
The creation method shall initialize the array using 0 or more SFVec3f-valued expressions passed as parameters.
The property of the MFVec3f object is described in Table C-29.
Property | Description |
numeric length | property for getting/setting the number of elements in the array. |
The method of the MFVec3f object is described in Table C-30.
Method | Description |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the VRML 97 utf 8 encoded value of the MFVec3f array. |
The VrmlMatrix object provides many useful methods for performing manipulations on 4x4 matrices. Each of element of the matrix can be accessed using C-style array dereferencing (i. e., vrmlMatrixObjectName[0][1] is the element in row 0, column 1). The results of dereferencing a VrmlMatrix object using a single index (i. e., vrmlMatrixObjectName[0]) are undefined. The translation elements are in the fourth row. For example, vrmlMatrixObjectName[3][0] is the X offset.
VrmlMatrixObjectName = new VrmlMatrix(
numeric f11, numeric f12, numeric f13, numeric f14,
numeric f21, numeric f22, numeric f23, numeric f24,
numeric f31, numeric f32, numeric f33, numeric f34,
numeric f41, numeric f42, numeric f43, numeric f44)
A new matrix initialized with the values in f11 through f44 is created and returned. The translation values will be f41, f42, and f43.
VrmlMatrixObjectName = new VrmlMatrix( )
A new matrix initialized with the identity matrix is created and returned.
The VRMLMatrix object has no properties.
The methods of the VRMLMatrix object are listed in Table C-31.
Method | Description |
void setTransform(SFVec3f translation, SFRotation rotation, SFVec3f scale, SFRotation scaleOrientation, SFVec3f center) |
Sets the VrmlMatrix to the passed values. Any of the rightmost parameters may be omitted. The method has 0 to 5 parameters. For example, specifying 0 parameters results in an identity matrix while specifying 1 parameter results in a translation and specifying 2 parameters results in a translation and a rotation. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified for the Transform node. |
void getTransform(SFVec3f translation, SFRotation rotation, SFVec3f scale) |
Decomposes the VrmlMatrix and returns the components in the passed translation, rotation, and scale objects. The types of these passed objects is the same as the first three arguments to setTransform. If any passed object is not sent, or if the null object is sent for any value, that value is not returned. Any projection or shear information in the matrix is ignored. |
VrmlMatrix inverse( ) | Returns a VrmlMatrix whose value is the inverse of this object. |
VrmlMatrix transpose( ) | Returns a VrmlMatrix whose value is the transpose of this object. |
VrmlMatrix multLeft(VrmlMatrix matrix) | Returns a VrmlMatrix whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the left. |
VrmlMatrix multRight(VrmlMatrix matrix) | Returns a VrmlMatrix whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the right. |
SfVec3f multVecMatrix(SFVec3f vec) | Returns an SFVec3f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector. |
SFVec3f multMatrixVec(SFVec3f vec) | Returns an SFVec3f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector. |
String toString( ) | Returns a String containing the values of the VrmlMatrix. |
The following is an example of a Script node which determines whether a given colour contains a lot of red. The Script node exposes a Color field, an eventIn, and an eventOut:
DEF Example_1 Script { field SFColor currentColor 0 0 0 eventIn SFColor colorIn eventOut SFBool isRed url "javascript: function colorIn(newColor, ts) { // This method is called when a colorIn event is received currentColor = newColor; } function eventsProcessed( ) { if (currentColor[0] >= 0.5) // if red is at or above 50% isRed = true; }" }
Details on when the methods defined in Example_2 Script are called are provided in "2.12.2 Script Execution".
The following example illustrate use of the createVrmlFromURL( ) method:
DEF Example_2 Script { field SFNode myself USE Example_2 field SFNode root USE ROOT_TRANSFORM field MFString url "foo.wrl" eventIn MFNode nodesLoaded eventIn SFBool trigger_event url "javascript: function trigger_event(value, ts){ // do something and then fetch values Browser.createVRMLFromURL(url, myself, 'nodesLoaded'); } function nodesLoaded(value, timestamp){ if (value.length > 5) { // do something more than 5 nodes in this MFNode... } root.addChildren = value; }" }
The following example illustrates use of the addRoute( ) method:
DEF Sensor TouchSensor {} DEF Baa Script { field SFNode myself USE Baa field SFNode fromNode USE Sensor eventIn SFBool clicked eventIn SFBool trigger_event url "javascript: function trigger_event(eventIn_value){ // do something and then add routing Browser.addRoute(fromNode, 'isActive', myself, 'clicked'); } function clicked(value){ // do something }" }
The following example illustrates assigning with references and assigning by copying:
Script { eventIn SFBool eI eventOut SFVec3f eO field MFVec3f f [] url "javascript: function eI( ) { eO = new SFVec3f(0,1,2); // 'eO' contains the value // (0,1,2) which will be sent // out when the function // is complete. a = eO; // 'a' contains a SFVec3f // object with the value (0,1,2) b = a; // 'b' references the same // object as 'a'. a.x = 3; // 'a' and 'b' both contain // (3,1,2). 'eO' is unchanged. f[1] = a; // 'f[1]' contains the value // (3,1,2). c = f[1]; // 'b' contains a SFVec3f // object with the value (3,1,2) f[1].y = 4; // 'f[1]' contains the value // (3,4,2). 'c' is unchanged. }" }
The following example illustrates uses of the fields and methods of SFVec3f and MFVec3f:
DEF SCR-VEC3F Script { eventIn SFTime touched1 eventIn SFTime touched2 eventIn SFTime touched3 eventIn SFTime touched4 eventOut SFVec3f new_translation field SFInt32 count 1 field MFVec3f verts [] url "javascript: function initialize( ) { verts[0] = new SFVec3f(0, 0, 0); verts[1] = new SFVec3f(1, 1.732, 0); verts[2] = new SFVec3f(2, 0, 0); verts[3] = new SFVec3f(1, 0.577, 1.732); } function touched1 (value) { new_translation = verts[count]; // move sphere around tetra count++; if (count >= verts.length) count = 1; } function touched2 (value) { var tVec; tVec = new_translation.divide(2); // Zeno's paradox to origin new_translation = new_translation.subtract(tVec); } function touched4 (value) { new_translation = new_translation.negate( ); } function touched3 (value) { var a; a = verts[1].length( ); a = verts[3].dot(verts[2].cross(verts[1])); a = verts[1].x; new_translation = verts[2].normalize( ); new_translation = new_translation.add(new_translation); }" }![]()