Comments from Survey & Recommendations

  1. FromReifsnider22Jan97./.ACITC Euipment Request from John Fulton via Ken Reifsnider.
  2. ToSherman22Jan97./.Requested NCSA for I-Wall dimensions.
  3. ToHurst27Jan97./.Space & Power requirement for SUN server on 2nd floor.
  4. FromShalf28Jan97./.NCSA Info on Octane workstation.
  5. ToCAVEusers29Jan97./.SGI info on Octane workstation.
  6. ToHeinrich29Jan97./.Request for CAVE programmer.
  7. ToJurgens29Jan97./.NCSA I-Wall Info.
  8. FromCurtin30Jan97 ./.CAVE usage and technical support.
  9. ToWilliges30Jan97 / Sense8 Recommendation for site license.
End of email summary for the first equipment recommendation, February 1, 1997.
Furture email comments will be posted here as they become available.
  1. FromFulton11Apr97./.UVAG Center Operation Budget Request from John Fulton.
  2. FromReifsnider13Apr97./.UVAG Center Operation Budget Request from Ken Reifsnider.
  3. ToFultonReifsnider13Apr97./.UVAG Center Operation Budget To Fulton & Reifsnider.

Virginia Tech

Revised April 13, 1997