Your score script numbers will be different from the numbers that are shown here.
This script goes in the frame where the navigation begins.
set qtCastName = "your.Moov" set qtSprite = 11 set the movieRate of sprite qtSprite to 0 set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to 0 set upSprite = 12 set the movieRate of sprite upSprite to 0 set the movieTime of sprite upSprite to 0 Number of horizontal frames in your.Moov set horz = 11 Number of vertical frames in your.Moov set vert = 11 Frames per Second of your.Moov set qtFPS = 30 set incr = (60/qtFPS) These are the sprite numbers assigned during the stage setup. set up = 2 set down = 8 set left = 4 set right = 6 set center = 5 set upleft = 1 set upright = 3 set downleft = 7 set downright = 9 set picture = 10
This script goes in the repeat frame of the navigation.
Call the script QTrollover QTrollover Causes the movie to loop on itself. The frame gives the current frame #. go to the frame