Lingo Scripts

Type these scripts in the movie lingo scripts. To get there goto the file menu, select Movie Info, and then select script.


--Quicktime control using lingo

on QTrollover
  global qtSprite, remainder, CurFrame, upSprite, up, down, left, right, upleft, upright,downleft, downright, center, 
horz, vert, incr, picture
if rollover(picture) then                      --- in picture
    set CurFrame to the movieTime of sprite qtSprite
    set remainder to CurFrame mod (horz * incr)
    set the movieRate of sprite qtSprite to 0
    set the movieRate of sprite upSprite to 0
end if  
if rollover(center) then                       --- center of picture
    set the movieTime of sprite upSprite to CurFrame
end if

if rollover(left) then                       --- left of picture                
    if (remainder = 0) then
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame   
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame - incr
end if
if rollover(right) then                      --- right of picture                    
    if (remainder = ((horz-1)*incr)) then
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame + incr
end if
if rollover(up) then                       --- top of picture
    if the movieTime of sprite qtSprite > ((horz-1)*incr) then 
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame - (horz * incr)
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame  
end if
if rollover(down) then                       --- bottom of picture
    if the movieTime of sprite qtSprite > ((((vert-1)*horz)*incr)-incr) then 
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame + (horz * incr)  
end if

if rollover(upleft) then                      --- top left of picture
    if remainder = 0 or the movieTime of sprite qtSprite <= ((horz-1)*incr) then
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to CurFrame 
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to CurFrame - ((horz+1)*incr)
end if
if rollover(upright) then                        ---top right of picture
    if remainder = ((horz-1)*incr) or the movieTime of sprite qtSprite <=((horz1)*incr) 
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to CurFrame - ((horz-1)*incr)   
end if

if rollover(downleft) then                      --- bottom left of picture
    if (remainder = 0) or the movieTime of sprite qtSprite > ((((vert-1)*horz)*incr)-incr) then
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to CurFrame + ((horz-1)*incr)
end if

if rollover(downright) then                      --- bottom right of picture
    if (remainder = ((horz-1)*incr)) or the movieTime of sprite qtSprite > ((((vert-1)*horz)*incr)-incr) then
      set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite = CurFrame
    else set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to CurFrame + ((horz+1)*incr)
end if
end QTrollover