Special Design Project: Aero 408 Lab

Static Stress Analysis of a Sailplane Wing Constructed of Composite Materials

Aeronautical Engineering
California Polytechnic State University


In this paper an analytic and experimental static stress analysis of a standard class Libelle sailplane wing is outlined. The analytic static stress analysis is compiled into a computer program which indealizes the wing as a tapered, multicelled, thin-walled and nonsymmetric cylinder. Of particultar interest was the comparison of analytic and experimental shear stress distributions under a static load. Unfortunately only the experimental shear stress distributions was obtained. The comparison of analytic and experimental shear distribution is pending the debugging of the computer program. A favorable comparison would indicate a representative shear center location for a real wing. Download full report (pdf, 15.5M), Static Stress Analysis of a Sailplane Wing Constructed of Composite Materials

Libelle Wing Test Setup Above

Libelle Sailplane and Wing Instrumentation Closeup

Ronald D. Kriz
College of Engineering
Virginia Tech

Revised December 10, 2004