Device Independent Virtual Environment: Reconfigurable, Scalable and Extensible
DIVERSE is comprised of two parts: DTK and DGI
- DIVERSE Tool Kit (DTK):
One page description
- Enhances Collaborations on- and off-campus:
- (ESM) "glue" for the MURI/DURIP Virtual Ship/Crane project.
- (BioChem) "reconfigurable" tool for the ASPIRES Biochemistry Project
that used a haptic device to dock drugs both at the desktop and CAVE VEs.
- (AOE) "link" that connects the F8 Flight Simulator with the CAVE.
- (CS-Arch) will link Earthquake Simulation Models with HMD Lab.
- DIVERSE Graphics Interface (DGI)
- API for CAVE and desktop CAVE-Simulator
- Licensed GPL same as GNU/Linux (Foundation for Free Software)
- Publicized at SIGgraph 2000 last week in July
- Beta Distribution, September 1, 2000
- Official Release 1.00, January 5, 2000
!!!!! DIVERSE runs on IRIX and GNU/Linux !!!!!!