Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 12:53:02 -0600 To:,,, From: Larry SmarrFrom Fri Mar 28 13:53:16 1997 Subject: WE MADE IT!!! Cc:,, In the last hour, the National Science Board approved the Alliance proposal! The NSF has issued a press release and the NCSA home page will be linking to it, to our Backgrounder, and the UIUC press release AS SOON AS the NSF web site appears with the NSF press release. Please do not spread the word until our Web site says it is official. Maxine will email you as soon as that is the case (we expect it to happen by saturday morning). We hope you will find ways to use this material at your institution. Things are still hectic here, so it will probably be monday before I have more definitive information.
Thanks so much for your constant support throughout this process! Jim and I will be flying back tonight, rest up this weekend, and be ready to hit it full up on Monday. Have a great weekend!